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Sanin felt a pang; but glancing at Klueber's face, to which its owner endeavoured, as far as in him lay, to give an expression of scornful amazement, and even commiseration, glancing at that red-cheeked, vulgar face, he felt a sudden rush of anger, and took a step forward.

Sanin got confused, and lost the thread of what he was saying, while Maria Nikolaevna softly leaned back in her easy-chair, folded her arms, and watched him with the same attentive bright look. He was silent at last. 'Never mind, go on, go on, she said, as it were coming to his aid; 'I'm listening to you. I like to hear you; go on talking.

Where have you come from? Where are you stopping? 'I came yesterday from Wiesbaden, Polozov replied in deliberate tones, 'to do some shopping for my wife, and I'm going back to Wiesbaden to-day. 'Oh, yes! You're married, to be sure, and they say, to such a beauty! Polozov turned his eyes away. 'Yes, they say so. Sanin laughed.

Next day Sanin was still in bed when Emil, in his best clothes, with a cane in his hand and much pomade on his head, burst into his room, announcing that Herr Klueber would be here directly with the carriage, that the weather promised to be exquisite, that they had everything ready by now, but that mamma was not going, as her head was bad again.

'Really, Maria Nikolaevna, what reason have I to be annoyed? 'Why, because I've been tormenting you. Wait a little, you'll see. There's worse to come, she added, fluttering her eyelids, and all her dimples suddenly came out on her flushing cheeks. 'Till we meet! Sanin bowed and went out.

The free and easy deportment of Madame Polozov would probably for the first moment have disconcerted Sanin though he was not quite a novice and had knocked about the world a little if he had not again seen in this very freedom and familiarity a good omen for his undertaking.

Sanin was utterly unable to make out whether she was laughing at him or speaking seriously, and only said to himself: 'Oh, I can see one has to mind what one's about with you! A man-servant came in with a Russian samovar, tea-things, cream, biscuits, etc., on a big tray; he set all these good things on the table between Sanin and Madame Polozov, and retired. She poured him out a cup of tea.

They were simply doing what Sanin told them they ought to do; and having decided that he was right, they immediately put his theories into practice. Again, when Tolstoi finally made up his mind that the Christian system of ethics was correct, he had no peace until he had attempted to live in every respect in accordance with those doctrines.

Sanin dashed along beside her, by her side leaped trenches, fences, brooks, fell in and scrambled out, flew down hill, flew up hill, and kept watching her face. What a face it was!

Pantaleone got up, looked at his watch, straightened his topknot of hair, and hurriedly stuffed into his shoe an end of tape which was sticking out below his trouser-leg, and the young sub-lieutenant came in, as red and embarrassed as ever. Sanin presented the seconds to each other.