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"If the boy wants to go into business, why don't you make a place for him in your own concern? That's where he ought to be to take the responsibilities off your shoulders, one by one, and to continue your name." "Put Allen in my furnaces?" Sanford demanded, his choleric attitude beginning to return. "How can you make a gentleman in my furnaces?

Sanford signified his intention to return home, and insisted that the boy Sam should not be awakened to drive him there. The storm had ceased, the moon had come out, and he greatly preferred the walk, he said, even if the snow were deep.

Stannard to come down and see him do it; but when it was really time to ride to the head of his troop of recruits, he bowed to Miss Sanford with a knowing look in his eye, and bent low over her hand. "'Love sought is good, but given unsought is better; and yet, fair lady, you fail to see the overpowering advantages of accepting mine.

"But, great heavens, Eunice, if you'd married those other two I mean one of 'em either one you'd have been decidedly out of your element. Hendricks, though a bully chap, is a man of impossible tastes, and Elliott is a prig pure and simple! I, you see, strike a happy medium. And, speaking of such things, are your mediums always happy, Aunt Abby?" "How you do rattle on, Sanford!

"He will be the happiest boy in Sanford," said Constance, her own face radiant. "He never dreamed of a Christmas like this." "Can we begin now?" asked Marjorie. "I'm so impatient to see how this wagon will look when we get it fixed." "Wait a minute."

"I don't care!" she screamed; "better that than the the publicity the shame of a police investigation! Oh, Sanford my husband!" It was quite clear that uppermost in her disturbed mind was the dread of the disgrace of the police inquiry. This had dulled her poignant grief, her horror, her sadness all had been lost in the immediate fear of the impending unpleasantness.

He moved in the manner of a dream, when one floats with infinite ease and precision in any direction one chooses. Joe and Mike did not share his talent. Joe launched himself after Sanford, and for perhaps 20 or 30 feet the lighted aluminum sidewall of the tube sped past him. Then his shoulder rubbed, and he found himself skidding to an undignified stop, choking the bore. Mike thudded into him.

The key actually fitted the lock, the door opened at once, and they all entered the castle. "Mr. Templeton lent me the key," explained Mr. Sanford. "He said the castle was as empty as a last year's bird's nest, but I thought we might like to take a look at it." "We do, oh, we do," said Lucy. "Isn't it queer? Just two rooms and nothing in 'em at all!

I know he is safe." "You are sure?" Grey rejoined, flushing a little, for now he was nearing the real object of his interview with the rector, "You are sure, and Aunt Hannah is sure. She ought to know. You believe her a good woman?" Mr. Sanford could not understand the breathless eagerness with which Grey awaited his reply, which came quickly, decidedly: "Your Aunt Hannah!

For some time after this discovery, Sanford sat at his desk in a state of abstraction and irresolution. He was vexed that the error had been found out, for he had already nearly made up his mind to keep the overplus and say nothing about it. He did not attempt to change the erroneous figure. Why should it not remain so? he at length asked himself.