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The only change he has to make, is to suppress the heat of the stove, when the temperature of the atmosphere is sufficient to keep up a good fermentation in the liquor. As to my distilling apparatus, this is not a new idea. I present it to the public under the sanction of experience. I had it executed in Philadelphia eight years ago, after having obtained a patent.

Did anybody remember the picture of the Virgin Queen with the outshone goddesses fleeing abashed before her virtues, with which the child-princess reared at Kensington must have been familiar? The speaker concluded by asking her Majesty's "favourable regard and sanction for the work which her loyal citizens of London had now completed."

"I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatches of the dates and numbers mentioned in the margin, reporting the information which has reached you in respect to the aboriginal tribes of New South Wales, and the result of the attempts which have been made, under the sanction of Her Majesty's Government, to civilize and protect these people.

Were it otherwise, these principles might be appealed to, as well to sanction the enslavement of men, as the capture of wild beasts. Were it otherwise, the American people might be Constitutionally realizing the prophet's declaration: "they all lie in wait for blood: they hunt every man his brother with a net."

A discreet husband would leave the dispensation of his bounty, where women are concerned, to his wife. And for my part, if I were inclined to exercise my benevolence at all, it should be in favour of some more deserving object than that whining, hypocritical Magdalene." "It was the knowledge of this feeling on your part, my love, that made me act without your express sanction.

No reason whatever can be given against it, except that, if such be its meaning, the constitution will not sanction slavery! A very good reason a perfectly unanswerable reason, in fact in favor of this meaning; but a very futile one against it.

I'm going to make one of Baby!" She ran into the house and up to the nursery where Winnie was just giving the child her dinner. "Goody!" cried Azalea, "now she'll be good-natured! Let me take her, Winnie." Not entirely with Winnie's sanction, but in spite of her half-expressed disapproval, Azalea took the laughing child and ran back to the phonograph booth.

Every one strove who should most express his esteem of the amiable accused. Mr. Falkland was no sooner withdrawn than the gentlemen present determined to give a still further sanction to the business, by their congratulations. They immediately named a deputation to wait upon him for that purpose. Every one concurred to assist the general sentiment.

The unlucky Italian Monsignor who had volunteered his sanction of the Veto, fared scarcely better at the popular gatherings than Lord Castlereagh, or Mr. Peel.

In all the political philosophies there is none so adapted to its end. Every sanction that mankind respects has been grouped about this one purpose the control of capital. It is as if all history converged upon the issue, and the workers in the cause feel that they carry within them the destiny of the race.