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Don't you reckon I better jes " The other began, "I tell you " "There, there! Ne'mine, Sammy. Ef you don't want Pappy to plough no mo', Pappy jes gwine to take the plough right outen the furrow and put old Beck up. Pappy gwine " The boy turned away, his point made, and strolled back to the cabin.

Seems to me, if everybody got their dessert, as you calls it, some o' them that's feedin' so expensive now at the grand hotels wouldn't have a square meal. It's the ones that ain't earned 'em, havin' the square meal and the dessert, that puts a good man, like my Sammy, out o' a job. But that's neither here nor there.

Sarah had something better now to take her mind back to Sardis and the people and things on dry land. The engagement and probably early marriage of Mr. Clewe and Mrs. Raleigh had made a great impression upon her, and there were days when she never thought of the pole, so busy was she in making plans based upon the future connection of the life of herself and Sammy and that of Mr. and Mrs. Clewe.

Then, seeing that new fires continually arose in different places, I understood that no Arabs, but a friend or friends were at work, who had conceived the idea of destroying the Arabs with fire. My mind flew to Sammy.

'A pianner-forty, Samivel, rejoined Mr. Weller, in a still more mysterious manner, 'as he can have on hire; vun as von't play, Sammy. 'And wot 'ud be the good o' that? said Sam. 'Let him send to my friend, the cabinet-maker, to fetch it back, Sammy, replied Mr. Weller. 'Are you avake, now? 'No, rejoined Sam. 'There ain't no vurks in it, whispered his father.

"Why, Sammy Jay, what under the sun are you doing way off here?" exclaimed Boomer. "Going to bed," replied Sammy. "Say, Boomer, will you do something for me?" "That depends upon what it is," replied Boomer.

"Well, pa had a horse that slipped his halter and shoved up the cover of the oat-bin, when he got hungry in the night and wanted a lunch," said Sammy; "and I read about a horse the other day which turned the water-tap when he wanted a drink, and pulled the stopper out of the pipe over the oat-bin, just as he 'd seen the coachman do, so the oats would come down, and"

There was Sammy Jay sitting in a little tree just over his head. "No!" snapped Peter, for it made him a wee bit cross to be so startled. "No, I'm not envious, Sammy Jay. I'm not envious of any bird. The ground is good enough for me. I was just wondering, that's all." "Have you ever seen King Eagle close to?" asked Sammy. "Once," replied Peter.

Again, big gentle Anthony Gayley was galloping behind her. Again for that breathless moment she was in his arms. Sammy shut her eyes.... Her father, coming upstairs, wakened her. She lay smiling in the dark. What had she been thinking of? Oh, yes! And out came the dream horses and their riders again....

"Think how surprised and pleased Herbert was when he went to the stable to ride Elf King to the blacksmith's, to find that the sharp little pony had taken the business into his own hands." "I tell you," said Roy, "that's a horse worth having. What do you suppose that boy would take for him?" "More money than you could raise in a hurry," said Sammy.