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And to every bed, table, stand, and chair was hobbled a gamecock a rarely high-bred lot by their looks, that joined in saluting my entrance with a volley of questioning crows! It was, I fancy, altogether the most startling reception visitor ever had.

Fandor stifled a sigh of satisfaction: it was a jailor who did not know him: it was the substitute counted upon. "Ah!" cried he, saluting the gentlemen of the long robe: "Why, there are two of you!" "Naturally," replied de Naarboveck: "Did not your colleague let you know that my secretary had joined me?" "I knew he was coming, but I did not understand that he had already come," replied the man.

I have seen no note, except such as were addressed to myself; and you will hardly think that Miss Brandon would choose me as a confidante or correspondent." Mohun saw that she would persist to the last, undaunted as Sapphira. So he rose to leave her, without another word. "You do not doubt me?" Flora asked, as he turned away after saluting her.

As soon as he came near the gate, an elderly man, who seemed to be master of these ceremonies, with a wand and a garland in his hand, came up to Cato, and without saluting him, asked him, where he had left Demetrius, and how soon he thought he would be there.

Yet, as I looked at this face, worn and cadaverous though it was, in the glance of the hollow eyes, in the line of the clean-cut mouth I saw that mysterious something which marks a man, what we call for want of a better word, a gentleman. "Good evening!" said he, and lifted the battered hat. "Good evening!" I returned. "Pardon me," said he, "but I was saluting the bread and cheese."

Sally peered curiously in at the opening of the door, and Braile abruptly set it wide. "Perhaps you'd like to see who it is." Sally started back at sight of the figure within. When she could get her breath she gasped, "Well, for mercy's sakes! If it ain't the Good Old Man, himself!" But she made no motion of revering or any offer of saluting her late deity.

The ships in the harbour flying are their flags also! And there is a ship just entering the harbour and her colours are flying! And there are the guns! They are saluting her from the garrison! It must be a man-of-war! I wonder if the Queen is coming to see us at last! If thou art ready, call Thora and Barbara. Something is up! Thou may hear the town now, all tip-on-top with excitement!"

"Come out, you dog," he said, searching the dense foliage with his eyes, and the man appeared, saluting him humbly. "We received your message and we have come, Inkoos. We are but just arrived. What has chanced here that the town is so still?" "The Zulus have been and gone. They have killed the white Teacher and his wife, though I thought to save them look at my wound. Also the people are fled."

Then, saluting Bourrienne and his brother with a wave of the hand, he left his study by a private corridor, and went to Josephine's room. There, lighted by a single alabaster lamp, which made the conspirator's brow seem paler than ever, Bonaparte listened to the noise of the carriages, as one after the other they rolled away.

After saluting the Head of the Faithful, and kissing the holy cross embroidered on his holy slipper, the Pope put his right hand on my left shoulder, and said he remembered that I always forsook the assembly at Padua, when he intoned the Rosary. "Holy Father, I have much worse sins than that on my conscience, so I come prostrate at your foot to receive your absolution."