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With the petty malice which he inherited from his mother, he hoped that Phil had been unable to find a place and was in distress. "It would serve him right," said Alonzo to himself, "for trying to get into Uncle Oliver's good graces. I s'pose he would like to cut me out, but he'll find that he can't fight against ma and me." "Oh, it's you, is it?" was Alonzo's salutation when they met.

With a deafening roar she swept in, the engineer jogging laxly on his cushions. Kendrick stood up and hollered at him. The salutation was acknowledged with a friendly wave of the hand. The long string of brown and yellow cars followed rattle-de-bang over the switch and rocked away eastward.

"Well, my lord," interrupted the count impatiently, "your own private affairs have no particular interest for me at this moment; and as for any business on which you may wish to speak to me, I shall be pleased if you postpone it till to-morrow." "Your lordship's wishes are commands with me," said Manuel, with a polite salutation.

Sir, you are not the man! and, without doubt, are under some mistake with regard to us." Before Peregrine had time to answer this salutation, the lady, hearing it, advanced to him, and, pulling off a mask, discovered a face which he had never seen before.

The fair rider, however, seemed perfectly at ease, and not the least disturbed at what had just happened. After she had passed the spot where the bear had first appeared, she reined up the horse and looked across to where Reynolds was standing watching her most intently. Waving her band in friendly salutation, she called aloud: "Come on over." The young man obeyed with alacrity.

On the whole, the expression of her face, though decided, was not unpleasing, and when she returned Tyrrell's rather rude salutation, it was with a smile, which made her, for the moment, absolutely beautiful. "Where have I been to?" she said, in answer to his interrogatory. "Why, I went to look at the New Church, which they told me was so superbe."

They went towards him in order to pay him the accustomed salutation of shaking hands, &c., but one of his followers fancying that John Lander kept his master's hand clasped in his, longer than the occasion warranted, looked fiercely in his face, and snatched away his hand eagerly and roughly, without, however, uttering a word.

But we got through at last, and, arriving at the head of the rapids, I found the boat lying there, all in readiness for our re-embarking. Our Menomonee guide, Wish-tay-yun, a fine, stalwart Indian, with an open, good-humored, one might almost say roguish countenance, came forward to be presented to me. "Bon-jour, bon-jour, maman," was his laughing salutation.

He ordered at the same time that all the Apes be arranged in a long row on his right hand and on his left, and that a throne be placed for him, as was the custom among men. After these preparations he signified that the two men should be brought before him, and greeted them with this salutation: "What sort of a king do I seem to you to be, O strangers?"

It was equally characteristic of a Farlingford ship that there were no greetings from the deck. Those on shore could clearly perceive the burly form of Captain Clubbe, standing by the weather rigging. Wives could distinguish their husbands, and girls their lovers; but, as these were attending to their business with a taciturn concentration, no hand was raised in salutation.