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And the monument to Barry, near the old Hospice, was as fine in my eyes as the beautiful white marble one that Napoleon built in memory of General de Sais, who died on that trip, and which is in the chapel of the Hospice. Both the general and Barry did their duty, as they saw it." The little mother interrupted him, her eyes shining and her hands held out.

The idea of his pretending to tell me that a creature six feet high with great spreading antlers like a deer is a moose, when in fact they are no bigger than a cock-roach, and can run into holes the size of a sixpence! Look at me do you see anything very green about me? "'Why, Mac, sais I, 'as sure as the world you mean a mouse. "'Well, I said a moose, he replied.

It was a people that lived upon the streets, for all the houses seemed empty and forsaken. The sais ran before the Pasha's carriage, the donkey-boys shrieked for their right of way, a train of camels calmly forced its passage through the swirling crowds, supercilious and heavy-laden.

But the khansamah is very patient with me. He doesn't get angry when I talk about sheep's topees, or order maunds of grain when I mean seers. Hullo! Steady the Buffs! MISS T. A little not very much. I can't doctor them, but I know what they ought to eat, and I am in charge of our stable. CAPT. G. Indeed! You might help me then. What ought a man to give his sais in the Hills?

"'I take no advantage, sais I. 'I'll pay you what you ask, but you shall never take advantage agin of another free and enlightened American citizen, I can tell you. "'You must keep your money then, Sir, said he, 'but this is not a fair deal; no gentleman would do it. "'What's fair, I am willin' to do, sais I; 'what's onfair, is what you want to do.

Then news came that Idernes was advancing from Sais with a great force of Easterns, all the garrison of Lower Egypt indeed, as his messengers said, to answer the summons conveyed to him under the private Seal of seals. Of Amada during this time I saw little, only meeting her now and again at the table of Peroa, or elsewhere in public. For the rest it pleased her to keep away from me.

"'Fifty pounds, I should think about the thing, Sir, said he. "'Certainly, said I, 'you shall have the fifty pounds, but you must give me a receipt in full for it. "'By all means, said he, and he was a cuttin' off full chisel to get a stamp, when I sais, 'Stop, sais I, 'uncle, mind and put in the receipt, the bill of items, and charge 'em separate? "'Bill of items? sais he.

"How magnificently he embellished our temples, and what great honors he paid to the goddess of Sais!" exclaimed one of the singers of Neith. "And then how gracious and condescending he was!" murmured a courtier.

When can I see her?" "Eh, je n'en sais rien," said the man. "If Mademoiselle wants to see her, she had better call again or she can leave a message," and he went on laying the tables. Madelon sat down despondingly on a chair near the door, hardly knowing what to do next.

Brought up a Sybarite" . . . She was suddenly interrupted by the voice of a stranger, who had entered unperceived, and, after apologizing to the venerable hostess and her guests for appearing without invitation among them, continued thus: "I am Gyges the son of Croesus; and it has not been merely for pastime, that I have ridden over from Sais in two hours lest I should arrive too late!"