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At the same moment, my dogs made one wild rush towards the gate and a woman's voice called, "Madame Huard, ouvrez, s'il vous plait!" By the light of another flash, I could distinguish a dripping figure in white. "Bah! someone is ill or dying and wants me to telephone for a doctor!" So I pulled the bell communicating with the servants' quarters, threw on a few warmer clothes, and went below.

The present is hideous to me, the future unknown: what, you say I am the creature of a BENEficent Being? Quoi serais-fe forme par un Dieu bienfaisati? Ah! s'il etait si bon, tendre pour son ouvrage" Husht, my little Titan! "And now, ye promoters of sacred lies, go on leading cowards by the nose, in the dark windings of your labyrinth: to me the enchantment is ended, the charm disappears.

The other circumstance was the presence of a soldier in the vestibule who said: "Votre laisser-passer, monsieur, s'il vous platt!" If you had a laisser-passer, he was most polite; but if you lacked one, he would also have been most polite and so would the guard that took you in charge at the next station.

S'il se fût servi de la Latine, c'eût été pour être lu chez les nations qui ne connoissoient pas la nôtre.

But we were far too hungry to wait, and before the omelettes arrived we had cleared a great plate of cakes. After weeks of indifferent trench cooking the first well-done omelette is a great joy, and, as I put down my fork, I glanced inquiry at Baker. "Rather," he answered to my unspoken question. "Mademoiselle, encore deux omelettes, s'il vous plait," I ordered. "Nous avons une faim de loup."

It cured all our headaches, and we worked twice as well, both at midday work and at getting lessons ready for next day after dinner. I know " "Tais-toi, Lucy!" hissed Peony through her teeth. "Madame!" "Donnez-moi cette grammaire, Marguerite, s'il vous plait," said Lucy, as Madame entered.

"Ta vie est un eclair qui meurt dans son nuage, Mais l'eclair t'a sauve s'il t'a fait voir le ciel." July 26, 1876. A private journal is a friend to idleness. It frees us from the necessity of looking all round a subject, it puts up with every kind of repetition, it accompanies all the caprices and meanderings of the inner life, and proposes to itself no definite end.

He is well acquainted with my MS., and I just copied into the middle of the blank sheet the words: " ... Un dessein si funeste, S'il n'est digne d'Atrée, este digne de Thyeste. They are to be found in Crébillon's Atrée." Dr.

L'ambassadeur lui fit demander par un des siens s'il pourroit avoir de lui une audience et lui offrir les présens qu'il apportoit. Il fit réponse qu'allant

'Parlons selon les lumieres naturelles. S'il y a un Dieu, il est infiniment incompréhensible; puisque, n'ayant ni principes ni bornes, il n'a nul rapport