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Paul sat alone again and listened with his heart in his ears. A series of raps sounded upon the door above, at first quiet and persuasive, and then increasing in intensity. There came a faint sound of protesting inquiry, and in answer: 'Dr. Laurent, s'il vous plait, madame.

Scotichronicon, vol. i. p. 234. Larrey in his History of England seems to have given currency to the legend that Cardan foretold the Archbishop's death. "S'il en faut croire ce que l'Histoire nous dit de ce fameux Astrologe, il donna une terrible preuve de sa science

Orme and I bowed our assent, and Washington thanked him with a trembling voice. He was soon wandering again, this time, apparently, among the scenes of his earlier manhood. "Messieurs de la Garde Française," he cried, "tirez, s'il vous plait!" "Ah," murmured Orme, "he is at Fontenoy." And again, "Poor Fanny, I always thought she would play till she would be forced to tuck herself up."

"Man is like the medlar," he liked to tell them; "he is worth nothing until he has ripened a long time in the attic, on the straw." "L'homme est comme la nèfle, il n'est rien qui vaille S'il n'a mûri longtemps, au grenier, sur la paille." These humble companions afforded him the simple conversation which he likes so well; so natural, and so full of sympathy and common sense.

S'il est dit cependant que tu veux le barren, Parle; je suis tout pret, je me ferai chatrer. My mistress soon returned, dressed like a nymph. A gown of Indian muslin, embroidered with gold lilies, spewed to admiration the outline of her voluptuous form, and her fine lace-cap was worthy of a queen. I threw myself at her feet, entreating her not to delay my happiness any longer.

She shall ask my pardon on her knees. I will break her spirit, humiliate her pride. I have been taxing my brain how to do it. At last I have hit on a plan one that cannot fail and you shall help me." "In what way s'il vous plait?" Bending forward, his black eyes flashing, Keralio said earnestly: "That woman is devoted to only two beings in this world her husband and her baby.

At the end of twenty minutes our thirst stimulated by an especially salty dose of lukewarm water for lunch attained truly desperate proportions. Several of the bolder thirsters leaned from the various windows of the room and cried "De l'eau, planton; de l'eau, s'il vous plait"

The iron gate was shut, and a sign said, "Sonnez s'il vous plait!" A toothless French portière of thirty years let us in. All the doctors of Tahiti had left the island for a few days on an excursion, and the gay scientist who opened the champagne in his pockets at the Tiare Hotel New Year's eve was in command. He sat in an arm-chair in a littered office and was smoking a pipe.

"And I presume that your son will find lots of work awaiting him on his return home? There's nothing like work to chase cobwebs from the brain or or heart, Mr. Senator." "That's true: not that there are many cobwebs in my boy's brain, Mr. Stephens," he smiled broadly at the notion. "Messieurs! Mesdames! En voiture, s'il vous plait. En voiture !" A few minutes later Mr.

Four of those shadows on bicycles rode out of the darkness and closed in. As sharp and distinct as pistol shots two words came to my ears out of the sudden silence and stillness which had arrested the four people: "Vos papiers!" There was no "s'il vous plait" this time. Out of the silence of that night came shriek after shriek.