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"Generous Ruthven, your warmth is too honorable to need forgiveness. I am that Sir Gilbert Hambledon; and had I remained so, I should not now be in Scotland. But in my first interview with the Prince of Wales, after my accession to the Earldom of Montgomery, his highness told me, it had been rumored from Scotland that I was disloyal in my heart to my king.

As the enraptured Edwin heard the heavy chains of the portcullis drawn up, and the massy bolts of the huge doors grating in their guards, he thought of his mother's liberty, of his father's joy, in pressing her again in his arms; and hastening to the tower where Lord Ruthven held watch over the now sleeping De Valance, he told him all that had happened.

Powell well, and if he says it is all right, I'll have Colonel Stanton removed to your home without delay." "When will you see Dr. Powell?" "To-day. This is not a nice place, and I would like to see the colonel have better quarters." A little later Mrs. Ruthven left and drove home with all speed.

Even supposing he had not suspected Rand-Brown, he would never have dreamed of suspecting Ruthven. They had been friends. Not very close friends Trevor's keenness for games and Ruthven's dislike of them prevented that but a good deal more than acquaintances. He was so constituted that he could not grasp the frame of mind required for such an action as Ruthven's.

"No, he has been walking and resting along shore," said Marion. "We saw him from our boat." "I'll give you another advantage, besides choice of boats," said Jack, bound that St. John should not back out. "I'll carry Marion as extra weight." "Oh, that wouldn't be fair!" cried the girl. "Let St. John carry mamma." "No, I must decline to go," said Mrs. Ruthven. "I'll take Marion, and St.

As the Federal colonel disappeared from view he gave something of a groan, he could not tell why. The Federal battery had gained a hill behind the Ruthven plantation, and from this point began to fire rapidly at the advancing Confederates. Shot and shell sped over the homestead, and the inmates were, consequently, much alarmed. "We will do well if we escape this murderous fire," said Mrs.

"By God! " began Ruthven, stepping back, one hand reaching for the door-knob; but Selwyn's voice rang out clean and sharp: "Sit down!" And, as Ruthven glared at him out of his little eyes: "You'd better sit down, I think," said Selwyn softly. Ruthven turned, took two unsteady steps forward, and laid his heavily ringed hand on the back of a chair. Selwyn smiled, and Ruthven sat down.

For several days he lay speechless, and during that time the Confederate surgeon and Mrs. Ruthven, as well as Marion, did all they could to ease his suffering. One day George Walden began to speak to Marion. "You are very good to me," he said. "You are in reality an angel of mercy." "I am glad to be able to help you, and thus help the Southern cause," replied Marion.

All the other letters are mere variations on the tune set by this piece. A plot of this kind is, at least, not impossible, like the quite incredible conspiracy attributed to James. The scheme was only one of scores of the same sort, constantly devised at that time. The thing next to impossible is that Henderson was left, as he declared, in the turret, by Ruthven, without being tutored in his rôle.

Wallace took up the open list which Edwin had dropped; he saw the name of Lord Ruthven amongst the prisoners; and folding his arms round this affectionate son, "Compose yourself," said he, "it is to Ayr I am going; and if the God of Justice be our speed, your father and Lord Dundaff shall not see another day in prison."