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They forgot Ruskin and Carlyle they remembered Thoreau's "Cape Cod" and talked of the musical sands which they could hear now under their own feet.

Compared with the early work of Tennyson, these works met with little favor, and Arnold practically abandoned poetry in favor of critical writing. Then, like Ruskin, he turned to practical questions, and his Friendship's Garland was intended to satirize and perhaps reform the great middle class of England, whom he called the Philistines.

The chilliness of the shadows of Lawrence and his followers was remarkable. Turner raised the chord of colour a whole octave, if it is permissible to say so, illustrating one art by the terms of another. Mr. Ruskin ascribes to him the discovery of the scarlet shadow. It was in truth less a new discovery than the re-awakening of an old one.

Now, if there are two living men whom, above all others, you swear by, they are John Stuart Mill and John Ruskin. Well do I recollect your eulogy of both, on that ever-memorable day in Paris, when we dined with that French encyclopaedia, Count W , and the leading lettered men of the day were discussed.

John James Ruskin still travelled for the business, then greatly extending. In return for these services to the firm, Mr. Telford, the capitalist partner, took the vacant chair at the office, and even lent his carriage for the journeys. There was room for two, so Mrs. Ruskin accompanied her husband, whose indifferent health gave her and his friends constant anxiety during long separations.

Nobody claims that the hierarchy of modern impassioned prose writers, from Bunyan to Ruskin, should be placed below the writers of pretty lyrics, from Herrick to Mr. Austin Dobson.

I have ventured to dilate upon the small experiment to illustrate what I mean by co-operation to present it to others for imitation. Let us be sure of our ideal. We shall ever fail to realise it, but we should never cease to strive for it. Then there need be no fear of "co-operation of scoundrels" that Ruskin so rightly dreaded.

To make it fair, Ruskin had relit the seven lamps of architecture, and written the seven labours of Hercules; for these windows through a whole youth Burne Jones had worshipped painted glass at Oxford, and to breathe romance into these frescos had Rossetti been born, and Dante born again. Men had gone to prison and to death that this temple of Whiskey-and-Soda might be fair.

You have encouraged many to keep a good heart through dark days, and we trust that the courage of a constant hope is yours." The London Ruskin Society sent a separate address; and to show that if not a prophet in his own country he was at any rate a valued friend, the Coniston Parish Council resolved "and carried unanimously," says the local journal, "with applause,"

Ruskin tells us, have 'more especially and malignantly libelled the sea. 'I feel utterly hopeless in addressing the admirers of these men, because I do not know what it is in their works which is supposed to be like nature. It seems that Turner was more catholic in his tastes than his panegyrist. In 1789, following the advice of Mr. Hardwick, Turner became a student of the Royal Academy.