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'Chick, get them two bottles that's hid under the rub-rags in the trunk! Now, ole Holler-enough, I says to the Tramp, 'you may be a imitation hoss, but we're goin' to make you look so much like the real thing your own mother won't know you! . . . "When Trampfast starts fur the paddock, his eyes has begun to roll 'n' he's walkin' proud. "'He thinks he's the Zar of Rushy, says Chick.

Then he sank down where he stood and covered his face with his hands and strove to calm the rising emotion that swelled his bosom. It was minutes before he recovered self-possession enough to arise and go on his way. In due time he reached the farm Rushy Shore where the schoolhouse was for rent. It was a plain little log house close to the river side and shaded by cedars.

The ground, broken in many steep and precipitous ridges, and intersected by the Asopus, whose sluggish stream winds over a broad and rushy bed, was unfavourable to the movements of cavalry, and the Persian foot advanced therefore on the Greeks.

No, Ishmael; gentlemen may be great masters in Latin and Greek; but they are dunces in housekeeping matters." "As far as your experience goes, Bee." "Of course, as far as my experience goes." "When did you reach Rushy Shore, Bee?" "Last night about seven o'clock. Matty came with me in the carriage, and Jason drove us.

Here Nature still holds her own, and spreads her pure and simple charms before us. Large tracts of moor and rushy fen are interspersed with craggy hills, rising one behind another in lovely shades of purple and blue; and far from the haunts of men, or at all events of town men, many acres of uncultivated land are still tenanted by the wild mountain pony and the picturesque gipsy.

Another turning of the dell gives a glimpse of the dark coppice by which it is backed, and from which we are separated by some marshy, rushy ground, where the springs have formed into a pool, and where the moor-hen loves to build her nest. Ay, there is one scudding away now; I can hear her plash into the water, and the rustling of her wings amongst the rushes.

In every Indian hut several of these animals may be found, as they are extremely useful to the shepherds in guarding their flocks and for hunting. They are much employed throughout the Puna to hunt the "yutu," a species of partridge which inhabits the rushy grass. This bird is traced by the dogs, seized before it can take to flight, and killed by a single bite of its fierce pursuer.

The deserted lugger is riding out the tornado. Whirled one moment this way and another that, now and again taking in water, her forest-shelter breaks the force of many a gust that would have destroyed her out in the open. But in the height of the storm her poor substitute for an anchor lets go its defective hold on the rushy bottom and drags, and the little vessel backs, backs, into the willows.

She felt no inclination to open her eyes; and, indeed, at the rate they were going, she could have distinguished very little had she done so. Suddenly the feeling in the air about her changed. For an instant it felt more rushy than before, and there was a queer, dull sound in her ears. Then she felt that the cuckoo had stopped. "Where are we?" she asked.

Jos Hughes's shop was the very last house in the village, the road beyond it merging into the rushy moor, and dwindling into a stony track, down which a streamlet trickled from the peat bog above. The house had stood in the same place for two hundred years, and Jos Hughes looked as if he too had lived there for the same length of time.