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Then came the sound of a train slowing down in the station, and directly the quick 'chuff-chuff-chuff' of its drawing out. Beatrice imagined the sunlight on the puffs of steam, and the two lovers, her husband and Helena, rushing through the miles of morning sunshine. 'God strike her dead! Mother of God, strike her down! she said aloud, in a low tone. She hated Helena.

Alas! something came rushing into my eyes, dimming utterly their vision, blotting from sight the schoolroom, the garden, the bright winter sun, as I remembered that never more would letters, such as she had read, come to me. I had seen the last of them.

My heart sunk within me at these tidings. "Dead!" said I; "do you mean that he is dead?" This exclamation was uttered in a tone of some vehemence. It attracted the attention of some one who was standing without, who immediately entered the kitchen. It was Eliza Hadwin. The moment she beheld me she shrieked aloud, and, rushing into my arms, fainted away.

Simon, a Nassick lad, for instance, overheard two words which he understood; these were "Mazitu" and "lipululu," or desert; and from these he conjured up a picture of Mazitu rushing out upon us from the jungle, and killing all without giving us time to say a word!

So the winter comes to still the plant whose life had been rushing to blossom and fruit.

Plainly, these gringos were a barbarous race of people, what with their rushing here and there, and with their loud, senseless laughter. God had wisely placed them beyond the Rio Grande, said the citizens of Romero.

"Well, my dear, I can't say as I don't prefer the summer; but there! the Almighty sends it, and it must be right, and I don't think folks have a right to grumble and go rushing off to them foreign parts, a-leaving their own country and the weather God gives them, because they say they must have sunshine.

"What does this mean?" he asked, rushing to the side of his brother. "It is nothing," answered Pavel Petrovitch, faintly. "I had a little dispute with Mr. Bazaroff, and I have had to pay for it a little. I am the only person to blame in all this.... Mr. Bazaroff has behaved most honourably." After that incident Bazaroff's stay in the house any longer was an impossibility.

In an instant there appeared on the left of the Boer trench a dozen only a dozen violent forms rushing forward. A small party had worked their way to the flank, and were at close quarters with cold steel.

And every second was precious, for the shore was not far away; the roar of the surf grew louder louder almost upon them. And then suddenly one great seething billow came rushing up behind. Clif saw it, and shouted to the men. In a second more its white crest towered over them.