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She dressed perfectly, but she was a vulgar little soul; drank everything, from Bass' ale to rum-punch, and from cherry-brandy to absinthe; thought it the height of wit to stifle you with cayenne slid into your vanilla ice, and the climax of repartee to cram your hat full of peach stones and lobster shells; was thoroughly avaricious, thoroughly insatiate, thoroughly heartless, pillaged with both hands, and then never had enough; had a coarse good nature when it cost her nothing, and was "as jolly as a grig," according to her phraseology, so long as she could stew her pigeons in champagne, drink wines and liqueurs that were beyond price, take the most dashing trap in the Park up to Flirtation Corner, and laugh and sing and eat Richmond dinners, and show herself at the Opera with Bertie or some other "swell" attached to her, in the very box next to a Duchess.

Didn't I tell ye, Larry, not to be afther ringin' at the owle gintleman's knocker? Ain't ye got no sinse at all?" "Misther Donnehugh," responded Mr. O'Rourke with great dignity, "ye're dhrunk again." Mr. Donnehugh, who had not taken more than thirteen ladles of rum-punch, disdained to reply directly. "He's a dacent lad enough" this to Mrs. Bilkins "but his head is wake.

They had bidden each other an amicable good-night on the stairs. Mrs. Betty had a scolding the next morning, when she came to wait on her mistress, from the closet adjoining Lady Maria's apartment, in which Betty lay. She owned, with contrition, her partiality for rum-punch, which Mr. Gumbo had the knack of brewing most delicate.

"A bowl of rum-punch from Horsman's" cost half a crown. Fancy a jolly Proctor sending out for bowls of rum-punch, and that in April! Eggs cost a penny each, and "three oranges and a mouse-trap" ninepence. White, a generous man, gave the Vice-Chancellor "seven pounds of double-refined white sugar."

When I came home I could not think what the delicious smell was in a certain street. Then my imagination struck out a picture Grimers laboriously frying a dab over a smoky paraffin-stove. On occasions after supper we would brew a large jorum of good rum-punch, sing songs with roaring choruses, and finish up the evening with a good old scrap over somebody else's bed.

The aunt, house-keeper, had invited the nephew, butler, to take a dish of tea with her, and rum-punch had now succeeded the souchong. "Well, Aunt Quarles, is it your meaning to undertake a new master?" "Don't know, nephy can't say yet what he'll be like: if he'll leave us as we are, won't say wont."

He mixed for himself a glass of rum-punch, which he seemed in the habit of drinking at my good mother's charge, groaned aloud, and forthwith began reading me a lecture upon the sinfulness of my past courses, and especially of the last horrible action I had been committing. 'Sinful! said my mother, bristling up when her son was attacked; 'sure we're all sinners; and it's you, Mr.

The beautiful Marianna Rum-punch The Palazzo Albrizzi A play at the Fenice The sick Ballerina The gondola Praise of Italy Beppo Childe Harold Riding on the Lido The inquisitive English Shelley in Venice Julian and Maddalo The view from the Lido The madhouse The Ducal prisons.

It was a grim smile, not by any means pleasant to see; but James Harwood was not an observer, and he was looking tenderly at his last spoonful of rum-punch, and wondering within himself whether Mr. Milsom was likely to offer him another glass of that delicious beverage. "And pray what sort of a customer is Captain Copplestone?" asked Milsom, thoughtfully.

So that at night, in place of the tiny phial which held a glass, and which you used to draw out of your pocket so slily when mother was weakly, you may now mix for her a tumbler of rum-punch; and if you don't take some too, I'll send you no more. But, hark ye, Jeannie, don't give uncle a drop, though he tried to give me one that, I fear, would have made my head, like yours, a little giddy.