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"He said so." "Indade, thin, he was the pore divil!" "And the the person?" inquired Mrs. Bilkins. "Is it the wife, ye mane?" "Yes, the wife; where is she?" "Well, thin, mum," said Mr. Donnehugh, "it's yerself can answer that." "I?" exclaimed Mrs. Bilkins. "Good heavens this man's as crazy as the other!" "Begorra, if anybody's crazy, it's Larry, for it's Larry has married Margaret."

Didn't I tell ye, Larry, not to be afther ringin' at the owle gintleman's knocker? Ain't ye got no sinse at all?" "Misther Donnehugh," responded Mr. O'Rourke with great dignity, "ye're dhrunk again." Mr. Donnehugh, who had not taken more than thirteen ladles of rum-punch, disdained to reply directly. "He's a dacent lad enough" this to Mrs. Bilkins "but his head is wake.

"He said so." "Indade, thin, he was the pore divil!" "And the the person?" inquired Mrs. Bilkins. "Is it the wife, ye mane?" "Yes, the wife: where is she?" "Well, thin, mum," said Mr. Donnehugh, "it's yerself can answer that." "I?" exclaimed Mrs. Bilkins. "Good heavens! this man's as crazy as the other!" "Begorra, if anybody's crazy, it's Larry, for it's Larry has married Margaret."

Donnehugh was frequently to be seen of a Sunday afternoon standing in the cemetery and regarding Mr. O'Rourke's headstone with unrestrained satisfaction. A year had passed away, and certain bits of color blossoming among Margaret's weeds indicated that the winter of her mourning was oyer. The ice-man and the baker were hating each other cordially, and Mrs.

Did n't I tell ye, Larry, not to be afther ringin' at the owld gintleman's knocker? Ain't ye got no sinse at all?" "Misther Donnehugh," responded Mr. O'Rourke with great dignity, "ye 're dhrunk agin." Mr. Donnehugh, who had not taken more than thirteen ladles of rum-punch, disdained to reply directly. "He's a dacent lad enough" this to Mrs. Bilkins "but his head is wake.

Donnehugh had known all along that O'Rourke had absconded to Boston by a night train and enlisted in the navy. It was the possession of this knowledge that had made it impossible for Mr. Donnehugh to look at Mr. O'Rourke's gravestone without grinning. At Margaret's request, and in Margaret's name, Mr.