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For only in the hands of a political people does democracy mean the rule of the people; in those of an untrained and unpolitical people it becomes merely an affair of debating societies and philistine chatter at the inn ordinary.

As a rule he had plenty to say for himself, but now he found himself suddenly dumb.

I own with fear and trembling for it is a delicate, dangerous avowal that, as a rule, I do not sympathize with the ladies who declaim on the subject of Woman's Rights.

*Value of Water.*—As a rule the work of excretion is aided by drinking freely of pure water. As water is the natural dissolver and transporter of materials in the body, it is generally conceded by hygienists and physicians that the taking of plenty of water is a healthful practice.

Now there is nothing which pleases Cliges, since his uncle denies him what he asks and requests; and he says: "Fair Sire, it becomes me not, nor am I brave or wise enough to be given this partnership with you or with another so as to rule an empire; very young am I and know but little. For this reason is gold applied to the touchstone because one wishes to know if it is real gold.

He turned into the hot cabin, struck a light and ran his eyes over the mate's shelf of books. He soon found what he was hunting, "Abbot's Law of Merchant's Ships and Seamen." Leonard sat down at his desk, placed the light close by and began a sweating search for the legal rule applicable to salvage.

We did not say 'go! we were content that she should remain several days, until her arrangements could be made." "She might not have cared for that," Rawson-Clew suggested; "if you insinuated to her the sort of things you did to me; women do not like that, as a rule, you know." All the same, as he said this, he could not help thinking Mijnheer right; Julia must have had somewhere to go.

As it is dangerous for steamers to meet on these rapids, they have a rule that every steamer coming up the stream must fire a few small cannons as soon as it approaches the Lurlei, so that steamers that are descending may hear it and wait to let the ascending steamer pass before they enter upon the rapids.

Forthwith, the Spider issues impetuously from her hut, comes down the foot-bridge, makes a rush for the Locust, wraps him up and operates on him according to rule. Soon after, she hoists him, fastened by a line to her spinneret, and drags him to her hiding-place, where a long banquet will be held. So far, nothing new: things happen as usual.

So there came a time when Hooker was superseded by a Silent Man, who criticised no one, railed at nobody not even the enemy. And this Silent Man, who could rule his own spirit, took the cities. He minded his own business, and did the work that no man can ever do unless he constantly gives absolute loyalty, perfect confidence, unswerving fidelity and untiring devotion.