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Alas! had I not said "Why not?" to Sandip just in the same way? The poor lad's confidence could rouse no hopes in my mind. "How will you do it?" I asked. The wild plans he began to unfold would hardly bear repetition outside the pages of a penny dreadful. "No, Amulya," I said severely, "you must not be childish." "Very well, then," he said, "let me bribe those watchmen."

"Awake, rouse ye!" said the captain of the band, roughly shaking the arm which encircled Sibyll's slender waist. Adam started, opened his eyes, and saw himself begirt by figures in rusty armour, with savage faces peering under their steel sallets. "How came you hither? Yon oak drops strange acorns," quoth the chief.

"In a case like this," continued Carrington, "when one is called in weeks too late and the household broom and scrubbing brush and garden rake have removed most of the possible clues, and witnesses' recollections have developed into picturesque legends, it is better to rouse as few expectations as possible, since it is probably impossible to find anything out.

Let me see: you may scratch any time before I tell Val, which will be when he comes in at five o'clock. Now then?" This mention of Val was like a dash of cold water, and Lawrence tried to rouse himself. "Will you be serious for half a second, you incarnation of mischief?"

Before I could get back Louvain had been occupied, sacked...." He sat for a time in brooding silence; the officer made no attempt to rouse him, but the gaze he bent upon the man's lowered head was grave and pitiful. Abruptly, in a level and toneless voice, Lanyard resumed: "In order to regain my home I had to go round by way of England and Holland.

'Don't let 'em git away er they'll rouse the town. 'What'll we do with 'em? asked the feller who held both of us. 'Kill 'em? Gosh, I was skeered. Neither one of us could yell, 'cause he had us by the neck, an' he was powerful strong. 'Chuck 'em in here an' I'll tend to 'em, said the driver. Next thing we knowed we was in the front of the sleigh, an' the whole outfit was off like a runaway.

"For the sake of God, sirs," he whispered as he passed, "speak him fair and do not rouse him! For the love of the Virgin, be mild with him!" "Who is this, then?" asked Sir Nigel. Alleyne was about to explain, when a fresh roar from the stranger interrupted him. "Thou villain inn-keeper," he shouted, "did I not ask you when I brought my lady here whether your inn was clean?" "You did, sire."

The scenes that held her mind betrayed themselves in her recurrent pallor, the trembling of her hand in his, her piteous, sudden looks. She did not talk of her mother, but he could not presently rouse her to talk of anything else; she sat silent in her chair, gazing before her, her slender hands on her knee, dreaming and forlorn.

The menagerie had, the day before, been exhibited at a fair, and was now on its way to another, to be held the next day in the town they were approaching: they had made the halt in order to prepare their entrance. To let a part of their treasure be seen, was the best way to rouse desire after what was yet hidden: they were going, therefore, to take out an animal or two more to walk in parade.

"Well, uncle dear," I said, "are you not going to tell me?" "I cannot," he answered. There was absolute silence for, I should think, about twenty minutes. I could not and would not urge him to speak. What right had I to rouse a killing effort! He was not bound to tell me anything! But I mourned the impossibility of doing my best for him, poor as that best might be.