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All of which is only my long-winded, round-about diplomatic way of wishing you every one and every one of yours and all the folk in the office, their assigns, superiors, dependents, companions in labour all, everyone and sundry, the happiest of Christmases; and when you take stock of your manifold blessings, don't forget to be thankful for the Atlantic Ocean.

Cutty was a nickname; he carried and smoked everywhere they would permit him the worst-looking and the worst-smelling pipe in Christendom. You may not realize it, but a nickname is a round-about Anglo-Saxon way of telling a fellow you love him.

So she yielded, and declared that the soup had an extra richness all on account of the silver. "It's luck coming our way, dear," says Paddy. "Money in our pockets and a silver spoon in our mouths you'll see." And it was so; though at first it took such a round-about path a little way luck has that they quite mistook it for something else.

Nor must we overlook the benefit likely to result to British India, the cotton of which has hitherto been supplied to the Chinese viâ Canton: it will now be carried to their doors in British vessels, and sold to them at far cheaper rates than could have been afforded when sent in the former round-about way.

Thus slowly wandering through many peoples and divers cities, did Zarathustra return by round-about roads to his mountains and his cave. And behold, thereby came he unawares also to the gate of the GREAT CITY. Here, however, a foaming fool, with extended hands, sprang forward to him and stood in his way.

If ever this land comes to be worth anything at all, we ought to grow into something worth while." "Yes," said Franklin, "it will make you rich," and as they walked about he pointed out with Western enthusiasm the merits of the country round-about. The "bite to eat" was in time duly announced by a loud, sonorous note that arose swelling upon the air.

"There's only two kinds of maids, as ye'd know if ye'd been out in the world as I have those that want a husband and those that don't. But six months married, and ye can't pick the one from t' other, try your best. There's nothing brings a lass to the round-about so quick as having to do what she does n't want.

That produce, those manufactures, instead of being almost entirely suited to one great market, as at present, would probably have been fitted to a great number of smaller markets. Instead of one great round-about foreign trade of consumption, Great Britain would probably have carried on a great number of small direct foreign trades of the same kind.

Den I say dat certainly somepody must take dish monish, and he say so too; den ve remember dat dis voman vas leaning against de safe, and he told me of it, and I remember too, and " "Explain your charges against the woman as briefly as possible, Mr. Swartz," interrupted the Mayor. "I have not time to stay here listening to a long round-about story."

It is the fourth time that significant danger word is used. This time His withdrawal is clear out of the Jewish territory, far up north to the vicinity of Tyre and Sidon, on the seacoast, and there He attempts to remain unknown. After a bit He returns again, this time by a round-about way, to the Sea of Galilee.