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He is a card-sharper and in general a shady personality, yet it cost father more than two thousand roubles. And while papa was busying himself about that scandal Foma came near drowning a whole company on the Volga." "Ha-ha! How monstrous! And that same man busies himself with investigating as to the meaning of life."

After waiting a little, the student said: "I did not get lessons quite at first last year. I don't know how it will be this year; most likely it will take me a little time to find work. I ought to ask you for fifteen roubles for my lodging and dinner." Shiryaev thought a little and heaved a sigh. "You will have to make ten do," he said. "Here, take it." The student thanked him.

Barsukova smiled artfully and asked: "Again a wife?" "No. But she's of the nobility." "Then that means unpleasantnesses with the police again?" "Ach! My God! I don't take big money from you; all the three for a lousy thousand roubles." "Well, let's talk frankly; five hundred. I don't want to buy a cat in a bag."

The prince began to give his reasons, but she interrupted him again. "Everybody takes you in and deceives you; you went to town yesterday. I dare swear you went down on your knees to that rogue, and begged him to accept your ten thousand roubles!" "I never thought of doing any such thing. I have not seen him, and he is not a rogue, in my opinion. I have had a letter from him." "Show it me!"

Someone will remark that we have encroached, and then down will go our wall and with it our fifteen hundred roubles." I agreed with her and sympathised. The chances were certainly against the money having been profitably invested. But what an example of Russian ways!

On the evening of the next day they reached Lavriky; a week later, Lavretsky set off for Moscow, leaving his wife five thousand roubles for her household expenses; and the day after Lavretsky's departure, Panshin made his appearance. Varvara Pavlovna had begged him not to forget her in her solitude.

At every stage a few roubles are paid to the Mongol attendants. This payment has always to be made in silver roubles, for the Mongols will not take paper money or small coins. Thus we go on and on, it would seem interminably, over the boundless steppe each day the same bumping and jolting, each day the same monotonous landscape.

"The lot out there.... You see there's only first and third class on the steamer, and only peasants are allowed to go third. If you have a decent suit, and look like a nobleman or a bourgeois, at a distance, then you must go first. It may break you, but you have to lay down your five hundred roubles. 'What's the point of such an arrangement? I asked.

"Directly, directly," Volgin went towards his room, but turned back to ask Nicholas Petrovich about the begging peasant. "Did you see him? He's a drunkard, but still he is to be pitied. Do be quick!" Volgin got out his case, with all the requisites for writing, wrote the letter, made out a cheque for a hundred and eighty roubles, and, sealing down the envelope, took it to Nicholas Petrovich.

But the towns and the army still need nourishing, and the Government has nothing to give the peasants in return for food except paper, which the peasants resent having to take. It is a singular fact that Tsarist roubles are worth ten times as much as Soviet roubles, and are much commoner in the country. Although they are illegal, pocket-books full of them are openly displayed in the market places.