United States or Angola ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

All are valued highly; but none so highly as the right of the White Hussars to have the Band playing when their horses are being watered in the Lines. Only one tune is played, and that tune never varies. I don't know its real name, but the White Hussars call it: "Take me to London again." It sound's very pretty. The Regiment would sooner be struck off the roster than forego their distinction.

In order to give ample notice, first sergeants will, when practicable, publish at retreat and post on the company bulletin board all details made from the company for duties to be performed. Where rosters are required to be kept by this manual, all details will be made by roster. The commander of the guard is responsible for the instruction and discipline of the guard.

The Duke turned at the door, and looked with listless inquiry into the face of the Minister of Marine, who, picking up an official paper from his table, ran an eye down it, marked a point with the sharp corner of his snuff-box, and handed it over to his visitor, saying: "Our roster of English prisoners taken in the action off Brest."

Reviewing that array of sobered and anxious faces, Lanyard remarked not for the first time, but with renewed gratitude that in all the roster of passengers none were children and but two were women: the American widow of an English officer and her very English daughter, an angular and superior spinster.

A man that gits only one from it won't need nothin' more'n a head stone and his name crossed offen the roster. Git a good squint at him through them sights, jest be low his belt, hold stiddy while you pull the trigger, and his name 'll be mud." "But fwhere is the powdher to make the ball go?" persisted Barney, looking at the cartridge which Shorty had put in his hand.

"Tha-anks," drawled the young man. He was turning away to his new duties when a thought struck him. "Making a list?" he asked. "Yes. For my report." "Got a name with the initials I. O. W.?" Banneker ran through the roster in the pocket-ledger. "Not yet. Some one that's hurt?" "Don't know what became of her. Peach of a girl. Black hair, big, sleepy, black eyes with a fire in 'em. Dressed right.

It was America that first guessed their true value as literature, and it was not until the American editions were pouring into England that Macaulay allowed his scattered work to be collected, corrected and put into authorized book form. This history was to be the thesis that would admit his name to the Roster of Fame. But, alas, the history was destined to be only a fragment.

The roster of the Union greatly exceeded these numbers. When all the departments were organized ready for the administration of the new republic, commissioners were sent to President Lincoln at Washington to negotiate for an equitable transfer of southern forts, and for terms of an amicable separation. They were refused audience.

If a guest should become interested in the roster on the wall, he was at once led by the eager children to a small picture of Colonel Davis which hung next the opposite window, that he might see the brave Colonel of the Regiment.

One hundred and thirty-seven new horses to be licked into shape somehow before Luck comes round again; a hairy-heeled draft who'll give more trouble than the horses; a camp next cold weather for a certainty; ourselves the first on the roster; the Russian shindy ready to come to a head at five minutes' notice, and you, the best of us all, backing out of it all! Think a little, Gaddy.