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First Flora took to joining the walks and she and Hilda talked and talked together and always, as it seemed, about men, and Rosalie just trailed along with them, their heads miles above hers and their conversation equally out of her reach. But even that was not so bad as it became.

In 1829 a court theatre, as has been said, was opened. Rosalie came as a leading lady, and one Heinrich Dorn came as musical director. Dorn was nine years older than Richard at a time of life when nine years make an immense difference; but the elder, certainly through the influence of Rosalie, from the beginning took a keen interest in the younger.

Trot and Button-Bright, with Cap'n Bill and Rosalie the Witch, went to the humble palace, where they had a simple supper of coarse food and slept upon hard beds.

'Have you got a fire in there? 'Who are you? said Rosalie fearfully. 'I'll tell you when I get in, said the girl. 'Let me come and warm myself by your fire! Rosalie did not know what to do. She did not much like opening the door, for how could she tell who this stranger might be? She had almost determined to call Toby, when the sound of sobbing made her change her mind.

But there she was, surely, Rosalie, her very self, in a long tan motoring coat, with a filmy scarf tied under her dimpling chin, her cheeks pink, her blue eyes dancing! "Oh!" cried Gilbert, too overcome with joy for coherent speech, "it can't be you!" "Yes, it's me," trilled Rosalie, laughing at her own lapse of English. "Here's Aunt Eleanor, and Maud, and all the rest of us!"

Talouel was standing on the porch, walking up and down with his hands in his pockets, his hat on his head. He seemed to be taking a general survey, like a captain on the bridge. "What's the matter now?" he cried, angrily, when he saw the two girls. Rosalie showed him her bleeding hand. "Wrap your paw up in your handkerchief then," he said, roughly.

"Go on," Betty said briefly. "Go on! Yes, I will go on. Rosalie and Ffolliott I hold in the hollow of my hand. As for you do you know that people are beginning to discuss you? Gossip is easily stirred in the country, where people are so bored that they chatter in self-defence. I have been considered a bad lot. I have become curiously attached to my sister-in-law.

She sank into a big chair opposite me and put her silver-slippered feet on the green cushion. "Isn't it heavenly to be alone, Jim Crow?" It was the high moment which I had planned, but I could not grasp it. Between me and happiness stood the shadow of that other Rosalie, shrinking from me when I was old as she had shrunk from Perry.

"Betty," whispered Rosy, "do you know what you have said?" The lovely eyes turned slowly towards her, and the soft corners of Betty's mouth deepened in a curious unsteadiness. "Yes. I did not intend to say it. But it is true. I know I know I know. Do not ask me how." Rosalie flung her arms round her waist and for a moment hid her face.

This was indignantly rejected by Rosalie, but the more she thought, the more uneasy she became. She ceased to reply to her father's remarks, and he at last relapsed into gloom, and said that he was tired and would go to bed.