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The kindly criticism of his friends, General Marbeuf and Inspector de Keralio, had left their effect upon him; and besides the companionship of his fellow-countryman, Demetrius Comneno, he had the good fortune to make his first really boy-friend in his roommate at the military school.

"Well, the professor is dead set against it, and I'm down on it right smart myself. You see" with a superior air "I'm an Episcopalian; my grandfather was an Episcopalian clergyman, a rector, you know, and" with a shrug and laugh "I'm afraid he wouldn't rest easy in his grave if he knew I had such a rank heretic for a roommate.

Andy felt a tug at his heart strings. He was not a crank, nor a stickler for forms or reforms, yet he had made up his mind never to touch intoxicants. And it gave him a shock to find his roommate taking the stuff. "Well, he's his own master," thought Andy. "It's up to him!" And then, amid that gay scene not at all riotous there came to Andy the memory of a half-forgotten lesson.

Thenceforth it became the most pressing care of Ramsey's life to prevent his roommate from learning that there was any conversation at all, even botanical.

Bob looked his disgust he appealed to Polly but for the first time she deserted him. "I'm going too, Bobby. I guess you'll have to find something to do until luncheon," she said. Mrs. Farwell and the girls wandered about the Library all morning, and returned to the hotel ten minutes later than the time set by Bob for luncheon. He and his roommate, Jimmy Thorpe, were waiting for them in the lobby.

I repeatedly sat up till I didn't know when; I selected moments when my roommate unmistakably slept, and, stealing out, took noiseless turns in the passage and even pushed as far as to where I had last met Quint. But I never met him there again; and I may as well say at once that I on no other occasion saw him in the house. I just missed, on the staircase, on the other hand, a different adventure.

Dunk returned presently, looking rather grave. "Did he want you to go to his blow-out?" asked Andy, with the privilege of a roommate. "Yes, but I'm not going. He wanted some money. Said he was dead broke." "And yet he's going to blow in a lot. Did you give it to him?" "What else could I do? When a fellow's down and out that's just the time he needs help."

Dan didn't like to be caught "biting" at a "sell," and he still expected some trick from his roommate. It was, however, a letter written in Dick Prescott's well-remembered handwriting. "I understand that you are both on the Navy team, and that you made good in the first game," wrote the West Point cadet. "I hope you'll both stay in to the finish, and improve with every game.

"Auntie, did you not hear that name?" she said as they moved away. "Helen Loraine. Isn't that the name of the girl who is to room with me, and that young man said his Cousin Helen." "That young man's cousin exists only in his mind, and as your roommate she may be a wholly different person. The name Loraine is common throughout this section." "But, Aunt Debby, the clerk thought I looked like "

NOT two miles away, Betty lay safe and warm in the flanellette nightgown, and watched Jane Carson turn out the light and open the window. A light leaped up from the street and made a friendly spot of brightness on the opposite wall, and Betty had a sense of cosiness that she had not felt since she was in boarding school with a roommate.