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Outside was a long reach of field sloping gently upward. In the distance, at the top of the hill, sharply outlined against the sky, was a black angle of roof and a great chimney. A thin column of smoke rose out of it, straight and dark. That was where Charlotte Barnard lived. Barnabas looked out and saw the smoke rising from the chimney of the Barnard house.

Then he went back to the wall and noticed the dim figure of one of the sentinels going toward the convent yard and the church. Ned took only a single glance at the man, but he rather envied him. The man was going off duty early, and he would soon be asleep in a warm place under a roof.

As soon as the four Camisards perceived the approach of the soldiers, their first thought was to escape by the bridge, but one of them having gone up to the roof to make sure that the way was clear, came down exclaiming that the bridge was occupied.

I am a comparative stranger, but you have a friend, a friend dear and intimate, now under the same roof. Will you consent, at least, to take counsel of Mr. Audley Egerton? None can doubt his friendship for you; none can doubt that whatever he advise will be that which best becomes your honour.

Something about three feet long came whizzing at them on the end of a tail of fire, causing them to fling themselves flat; involuntarily, Cardon's head jerked about and his eyes followed it until it blew up with a flash and a bang three blocks uptown. Here and there, colored fire flared, small rockets flew about, and firecrackers popped. The ambulance was gone, blown clear off the roof.

With the help of a saw made out of some tin, he cut a hole through the ceiling of the cell, and was about to get out on to the roof when a warder came in.

I'll tap with the ax, and if the roof holds me you'll be safe." Thus, after a little while, they found a secure path to the little station. This diminutive building, fortunately constructed of concrete, still stood almost unharmed. Into it they penetrated through the crumbling door. The winds of heaven had centuries ago swept away all trace of the ashes of the operator.

Hall, and you shall learn what provision I have made for you. You, Frank, will return with me." "What will Mr. John say?" asked Frank. "He shall no longer sleep under my roof," said Mr. Wharton, sternly. Frank was taken to a tailor and fitted out with a handsome new suit, ready-made for immediate use, while three more were ordered. When Mr.

"You ain't told me what a flat is." "A few rooms all on one floor, like a cottage. It's like several cottages, all under one roof." "What do they want to cover the cottages with a roof for? Don't they want light and air?" "You don't understand, Mother. Suppose that our house here was an apartment house. The stairs would be shut off from these rooms and the hall would be accessible from the street.

Tashingford, the chemist, who, regardless of everyone else, was rushing across the road hurling fire grenades into the fire station and running back for more, and then her eyes lifted to the slanting outhouse roof that went up to a ridge behind the parapet of Mantell and Throbson's. An expression of incredulity came into the telephone operator's eyes and gave place to hard activity.