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"I will light my lantern; it is better than that which Diogenes bore; I shall lighten your path." And the light shone; the old crone lifted her head, and stood there strong and tall, a powerful female figure. She was Superstition. "I am the strongest in the region of romance," said she, and she herself believed it.

There is a moon, and the hills ver' clear and we gallop." "I am minding," said Margaret. "'It is Romance, I say to him, and he will be carrying me away off to the hills, and he is laughing. "'An unwilling captive, he says. "'Not ver' unwilling, I say, for he looked ver' gallant. "'I do not beg even kisses, very proudly he looks, ma belle, and his blue eyes laughing. . . ."

He "runs his business as if it were a romance," was said upon one occasion. The man who finds no element of romance in his occupation is to be pitied. We know how radically different Watt was in his nature to Boulton, whose judgment of men was said to be almost unerring.

Yet second-hand romance and second-hand emotion are surely better than the dull, soul-killing monotony which life brings to most of the human race. But best of all when the dead man's wisdom and strength in the living of our own strenuous days. Come through the magic door with me, and sit here on the green settee, where you can see the old oak case with its untidy lines of volumes.

Brownlow's own statements as polite refusals, and a lady's romance until he found the uncle and nephew viewing the resignation of the whole as common honesty, and that she was actually gone.

With Scott's change from verse to prose, the modern romance admittedly, and to a greater extent than is generally thought the modern novel, came into being; and neither has gone out of being since.

A romance in which a young officer figures prominently; when Lady Anne first came out she fell desperately in love with him, and he with her, they plighted their troth at a London ball; but her parents said she was too young to marry just then, and it was agreed to wait a year.

But in a much more memorable way romance conquered reality one night in the drawing-room. The ladies of the party had disappeared; and by way of doing something Lytton, two other men, and myself became somehow grouped round a card table with our minds made up for whist.

But the right worshipful heroine of Romance was the front-face female picture he had won for his walls.

I appeal to your ladyship, was not your first attachment the most delightful are not the reminiscences most lasting do you not, even now, call to mind those halcyon days when love was all and everything?" "My days of romance are long past, Mr Newland," replied her ladyship; "indeed I never had much romance in my composition.