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"And how does my old friend Daniel?" I gave a favourable view of Mr. Romaine's health. "Well, this is certainly a whimsical incident," he continued. "And since we are thus met already and so much to my advantage! the simplest thing will be to prosecute the acquaintance instantly.

On my arrival home, I immediately repaired to Mrs. Romaine's private room, where I found that good lady in company with Mr. Anderson. We three sat down to supper in the highest possible spirits. Alas! how little did we anticipate the terrible catastrophe that was so soon to follow!

Accustomed as I had been to the economical scantiness of my uncle's table, I was both surprised and delighted with the luxurious abundance that greeted me on sitting down to dinner at Mrs. Romaine's.

'And how does my old friend Daniel? I gave a favourable view of Mr. Romaine's health. 'Well, this is certainly a whimsical incident, he continued. 'And since we are thus met already and so much to my advantage! the simplest thing will be to prosecute the acquaintance instantly.

One of the first books I read was a work of Romaine's; I neither recollect the title nor the contents, except one doctrine, which of course I do not include among those which I believe to have come from a divine source, viz. the doctrine of final perseverance. I have no consciousness that this belief had any tendency whatever to lead me to be careless about pleasing God.

Burchell Fenn be good enough to step upstairs?" And here let me cry "Halt." There are things in this world or that is my belief too pitiful to be set down in writing, and of these, Alain's collapse was one. It may be, too, that Mr. Romaine's British righteousness accorded rather ill with the weapon he used so unsparingly.

'Here it is, sir, exclaimed the waiter. 'Seems like as if he'd dropped it. And picking it off the floor he presented it to me. I may say that I was quite prepared, that I already knew what to expect; but at sight of the cold print my heart stopped beating. There it was: the fulfilment of Romaine's apprehension was before me; the paper was laid open at the capture of Clausel.

I kept a steady eye on him, and considered: and the longer I considered the better assured was I that his game must have a disastrously weak point somewhere, which it was my business to find. "You have reminded me of your warning to Mr. Romaine. The subject is an ugly one for two of our family to touch upon; but do you happen to recall Mr. Romaine's counter-threat?" "Bluff! my young sir.

Wherefore, in the autumns, he had attacked with gay zest such of Titus Romaine's swine as had found their way through the fence. But, nowadays, there was little enough of gay zest about anything Laddie did. For he was old; very, very old. He had passed the fourteenth milestone. In other words, he was as old for a dog as is an octogenarian for a man.

ELIJAH, the Tishbite, by Krummacher, with portrait, 2s. 6d. HAWKER'S Morning Portion, 2s. HAWKER'S Evening Portion, 2s. 6d. HAWKER'S Daily Portion, 4s. 6d. ROWLAND HILL'S Village Dialogues, 3s. 6d. JENK'S PRAYERS and Offices of Devotion, with an Introduction by the Rev. Albert Barnes, 2s. 6d. ROMAINE'S Life, Walk, and Triumph of Faith, with a portrait, 3s. 6d.