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Only once had she thought him at fault in his likes or dislikes of people; when he had showed a predilection for the assistant rector's shapely calves. But after that gentleman's elopement with a lady of the choir and his desertion of wife and children, Naughty's erstwhile disrespect for the cloth, which Miss Van Rolsen had grieved over, became illumined with force and significance.

Miss Van Rolsen had managed to keep the strange affair of her niece's disappearance out of the columns of the papers. They knew nothing about it as yet Only a single little item in the shipping news, in fine print, which suddenly caught his gaze bore in any way, and that a remote one, upon her niece and her affairs. Mr. Heatherbloom regarded it with dull glance.

Heatherbloom gazed now without wincing; an unnatural absence of feeling seemed to have passed over his features, making them almost mask-like. It was as if he stood in some new pellucid atmosphere of his own. "Of course," he said, as half speaking to himself, "I must have earned my salary, or Miss Van Rolsen wouldn't have retained me. So I am not a recipient of charity.

The exigencies of financial differences would soon separate them; she could draw on Miss Van Rolsen for thousands; he had but five dollars and twelve cents or was it thirteen? to his name. He kept these reflections, however, to himself and continued to bask in the sunshine of a fool's paradise. They rode, walked and explored. They went to the fruit and the flower market.

"Reported engagement of Miss Elizabeth Dalrymple to Prince Boris Strogareff ... the prince has vast estates in Russia and Russia-Asia ... his forbears were prominent in the days when Crakow was building and the Cossacks and the Poles were engaged in constant strife on the steppe ... Miss Dalrymple, with whom this stalwart romantic personage is said to be deeply enamored, is niece and heiress of the eccentric Miss Van Rolsen, the third richest woman in New York, and, probably, in the world ... Miss Dalrymple is the only surviving daughter of Charles Dalrymple of San Francisco, who made his fortune with Martin Ferguson of the same place, at the time "

It was a very important one; Miss Dalrymple had money of her own; she was known to be her aunt's heiress. The conclusion? But this was not Morocco, or Turkey, Miss Van Rolsen somewhat vehemently returned. True; we have had, however, our "civilized" Ransuilis, answered the agent and mentioned a number of names in support of his theory.

"Pardon my mentioning it, but Miss Dalrymple has in this connection been very much before the public gaze." "Against her wish, sir, and mine!" snapped Miss Van Rolsen. "She I have both lamented the fact. But what can one do? The journalists settled on the prince as a fruitful source for speculation.

Miss Van Rolsen her niece, Miss Dalrymple does not like you." He started. "It was easy to see that; when I mentioned regretfully that the good fortune that brought me where there is plenty; to eat should have been the cause of your being in disfavor, she stopped me short." Mr. Heatherbloom studied the distance.

"You!" she said, as if she did not at all comprehend. He repaid her regard with less steady look; he had to say something and he didn't wish to. Why couldn't people just meet and pass on, the way dumb creatures do? The gift of speech has its disadvantages on occasions; it forces one to insufficient answer or superfluous explanation. "Yes," he said, "your Miss Van Rolsen engaged me.

When?" "At once! There is no time to be lost. Already " He gave a sudden exclamation. "What is it?" she asked. He stepped toward the curtain; it moved perceptibly. "Some one has been listening," exclaimed Miss Van Rolsen excitedly. "Yes, some one." Significantly. As he spoke he threw back the curtain and revealed the door partly ajar.