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Forty-seven years ago, in the township of St. Mary's, Illinois, two lads named Groves and a companion named Kirk were pelted with snowballs while on their way home from a barn where they had been to care for the stock for the night. The evening had shut in dark, and the accuracy of the thrower's aim was the more remarkable because it was hardly possible to see more than a rod away.

To stand still, or to go cautiously in pursuit, is to allow the salmon to run out with an enormous length of line; the line is submerged technically speaking, drowned in the water, the strain of the supple rod is removed from the fish, who finds the hook loose in his mouth, and rubs it off against the bottom of the river.

I'll think over what ye've said, and discuss it with the troop this afternoon. Ye'll see the boys at school, so tell them to meet here as soon as they git out. Ye'd better not tell them anything about yer plan until I've had time to think it over fer awhile." Rod found it very hard to keep his mind down to his lessons that day. He was too much excited over the idea of helping Whyn.

Even Fanny Fitz, with all her optimism, knew better than to expect that William O'Loughlin, who divided his attentions between the ancient cob and the garden, and ruled the elder Misses Fitzroy with a rod of iron, would undertake the education of anything more skittish than early potatoes.

"If the gold is seventy-five or a hundred miles away, why were those men here, and with only a handful of nuggets in their possession? Is it possible that the gold played out that they found only what was in the buckskin bag?" "If that were so, why should they have fought to the death for the possession of the map?" argued Rod. Mukoki was turning the steak.

He had been absent for three hours. It had been snowing steadily and by the time he reached their old camp the trail left by Rod and Mukoki was already partly obliterated, showing that they had secured an early start up the river. Bowing his head in the white clouds falling silently about him, Wabi started in swift pursuit.

Sam Amos asked him once how he come to change his mind so about raisin' children, and Old Man Bob said he was of the opinion that that text ought to read, 'Spare the rod and spile the boy'; that Solomon had too much regyard for women to want to whip a gal child.

She came towards the frying-pan, to the great amazement of the cook-maid, who continued immovable at this sight, and, striking one of the fishes with the end of the rod, says, "Fish, fish, art thou in thy duty?"

When he "feels" a piece of gum with his rod he needs only to use his pick to capture it. For many years about a million dollars' worth of kauri gum was thus obtained each year. The lumps vary in size from that of a hen's egg to masses weighing several pounds. There are also some strange animals in New Zealand. One curious creature is a bird without wings the kiwi.

And having, after several efforts, stood upright, he commenced untwisting his line from the rod. "All right?" asked R , impatient to begin. "Yes, all right," replied P ; and away the pram, borne by the thousand intertwining currents, shot with R .