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With characteristic gravity he reclined for a moment upon Robert's astonished breast. Then recovering himself with equal gravity he paused, lifted his hand with gentle warning, marched to a recess in the corner, unhooked a rapier hanging from the wall, and turned to his companion. "We will defend ourselves, friend Roberto. It is the sword of the Comandante my ancestor. The blade is of Toledo."

In 1482 Roberto di Sanseverino, the valiant captain who had been one of the chief instruments in restoring his kinsman Lodovico Sforza to his country, left Milan in a rage, because he did not consider his salary sufficient, and offered his services to the Republic of Venice.

"This!" cried the Rover, suddenly taking off his maritime clothing and putting on an expensive suit of silk, bespangled with diamonds. "This! I am Roberto the Rover!" The King was thunder-struck. Cowering back in his chair of state, he said in a tone of mingled fear and amazement, "Well, may I be gaul-darned!" "Ber-lud! Ber-lud!

As the speaker turned, the light of the oil lantern hanging upon the wall struck him full in the face; Roberto and Manuel stared at him in amazement. He was a yellow, shrivelled specimen; he had an absurd nose, as if it had been wrenched from its roots and replaced by a round little ball of meat. It seemed that he looked at the same time with his eyes and with the two little nasal orifices.

When they returned the following year to the old dusky villa at Siviano she was like the voice of a brook in a twilight wood: one could not look at her without ransacking the spring for new similes to paint her freshness. With Roberto it was different.

But Roberto, finding himself nearly equal to the duke in cavalry, and superior in infantry, marched boldly out of Rome and took a position within two miles of the enemy. The duke, seeing his adversaries close upon him, found he must either fight or disgracefully retire.

We could hear the cold drip of the garden-fountain and the patter of rats in the wall. Andrea and his wife stared out of window and Roberto sat in his father's carved seat at the head of the long table. Then the door opened and Faustina entered. When I saw her I stopped breathing. She seemed no more than the shell of herself, a hollow thing that grief has voided.

His words to-day went to my, soul I thought of my Juan I thought of the vision he showed me I wondered if he knew if he saw and heard " she leaned her head upon her husband's breast, and he kissed away the sorrowful rain. "He was so sweet! so beautiful! Oh, Roberto!" "He was God's greatest gift to us. Maria! dear. Maria!

It seemed strange indeed, it made Ruth suspicious that Roberto could convey his meaning so easily by gesture when the subject was not one regarding the missing Gypsies! Again and again the thought came to the girl that the Gypsy boy was actually "playing possum."

The poor Gypsy scarcely knows where to lay her head, but you little ladies have great houses and much money eh?" "Gypsy!" gasped Helen, seizing Ruth's hand. Ruth felt a sinking at her own heart. All the stories she had ever heard of these strange, wandering tribes rushed in upon her mind again. She had not been afraid of Roberto, and the woman who had brought them to the van seemed kind enough.