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'I'm bleeged to come in an' res' an' have a meal, he don' said, and then he went on with his pack totin' at his heels. "Fo' de Lord, Sandy Morley, shet off that snortin', roarin' fire or I'll fetch yo' a real old-time lick!" Sandy ran to regulate the dampers, his face radiant and boyish. He was enjoying, as he never had enjoyed anything in his life before, the dear home-atmosphere of his hills.

There was a fell feck o' hostin', an' ow-ayin', an' so on; so I cam' my wa's hame afore aucht o'clock, for I was juist sittin' on heckle-pins thinkin' ilka meenit Sandy wud be comin' thrash in on's, roarin' he'd set the parafin cask afeyre.

She's a gittin' them same kind o' sorter interestin' high-flowed ways why, she used to be just like the rest of 'em jest sich a rompin', roarin' thing as Drussilly Weir is now." "Goodness gracious, ma!" Madeline put in again, sharply. "What good is it going to do Beck Weir to put on airs?

Well, afther one great roarin' blast iv the wind, you'd think the walls iv the castle was just goin' to fall, quite an' clane, with the shakin' iv it.

Begin birlin' and roarin' afore ye get among them, and keep it up till ye're at the Hoose wall. If they've gotten inside, in ye go after them. I trust each Die-Hard to use his judgment, and above all to keep out o' sight and no' let himsel' be grippit." The plan, like all great tactics, was simple, and no sooner was it expounded than it was put into action.

"That's true, O high-principled seaman!" returned Jackson; "and what d'ye consider your duty at the present time?" "To deliver my letters, O Roarin' Bull!" replied Dick. "Just so, but if you go slick off when Redskins are rampagin' around, you'll be sure to get nabbed an' roasted alive, an' so you'll never deliver your letters." "It's my duty to try," said Dick.

It's no thanks to you if the innicent child isn't as like as not lyin' this minute under six fut of could wather, instead of fetchin' me in the full of me kettle that I'm roarin' to him for this half-hour, and niver a livin' sinner widin sight or " "Saints above! is little Pat strayin' along wid the cow?" said Mrs. Fottrel, much aghast.

Away we tore down towards the outlet, the boat cuttin' and plowin' through the water, pilin' it up in great furrows ten feet high on each side. There is, as you know, sixty feet fall between the Upper Saranac and Round Lake, and the river goes boilin' and roarin', tumblin' and heavin' down the rapids and over the rocks, pitchin' in some places square down a dozen feet among the boulders.

'As I cam by Crochallan I cannily keekit ben; Rattlin', roarin' Willie Was sitting at yon boord en'; Sitting at yon boord en', And amang guid companie! Rattlin', roarin' Willie, Ye're welcome hame to me! or in the verses on Creech, Burns's publisher, who left Edinburgh for a time in 1789. The 'Willies, by the way, seem to be especially inspiring to the Scottish balladists.

With one of the Texan troops came a quiet man of confident bearing, dressed like the others in buckskin, but with more authority in his manner. The Ring Tailed Panther greeted him with great warmth, shaking his hand and saying: "John! John! We're awful glad you've come 'cause there's to be a lot of roarin' an' tearin' an' clawin' to be done."