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If Vidac holds us for trial here on Roald, and we're convicted, the only place for a review of the case will be the Solar Council Chamber back on Earth." "Well, what's wrong with that?" asked Astro. "I'll tell you what's wrong with it," said Roger. "Before the case would come up for a review, we would have already spent at least two years on a prison rock!"

Less than five days after the foundation had been dug, the last gleaming sheets of Titan crystal were welded together and the building towered over the plain, a glistening monument to man's first flight to the stars. Tom had been assigned to work closely with Vidac, who was responsible for all the construction on Roald.

Such temperament was permissible at the Academy by an instructor only because of his genius and for no other reason. And Professor Sykes fitted the bill. It was by sheer devotion to his work and single-mindedness of purpose that he was able to become a leading scientist in his field. Professor Sykes had been assigned, at his request, to the Roald expedition.

Been a farmer all my life." "Why do you want to go to Roald, Mr. Logan?" asked Roger. "Well," said Logan, "I have a nice piece of land south of Venusport a ways. Me and my wife developed it and we've been farming it for over twenty-five years. But my wife died last year and I just sort of lost heart in this place. I figured maybe that new satellite will give me a start again.

At the same time the giant fleet of ships needed to carry the colonists to Roald was being assembled. Officers of the Solar Guard worked late into the night, examining the construction of every ship in the Alliance for use in the flight to Roald.

Each of you will be allowed to borrow against future yields, a maximum amount of five thousand Roald credits. This will be your beginning. If your crops fail" Vidac shrugged his shoulders "you will forfeit your land holdings!" There was a storm of protest from the assembled farmers. They stood up in their chairs and hooted and howled. Vidac faced them coldly.

"By the rings of Saturn," he grumbled, "I'm so tired I could sleep right here. Right now!" "Yeah," growled Roger. "You'd think Vidac would give us a break after what we've done." "We'll have plenty of time to rest on this trip," said Tom. "This is just the beginning. I'll bet by the time we reach Roald we'll be wishing we had something to do to pass away the time."

And the light of the achievement shines for all time. Fridtjof Nansen. Lysaker, May 3, 1912. The Opening of Roald Amundsen's Manuscript. To face page I, Vol. The History of the South Pole "Life is a ball In the hands of chance." Brisbane, Queensland, April 13, 1912.

Hardy, the respected Governor of Roald, the man responsible for the welfare of the colony and the lives of the colonists, was really a swindler and a thief. Now if Jeff only had Professor Sykes's journal they could tie everything together, providing he could stop Vidac from sending them off to a prison rock!

A thousand spaceships, freighters, converted luxury liners, auxiliary supply vessels, rocket cruisers, destroyers and scouts, all led by the Polaris, blasted in even formation through the last charted regions of the solar system. Inside the gleaming ships the colonists had settled down for the long voyage to the new satellite of Roald. Their quarters were cramped and uncomfortable.