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The romantic dark eyes which had so often burned with gloomy fire in looking at her burned with a different flame for an instant; then quickly, as if with a common impulse, the girl and the man tore their looks apart. "They met here on the Riviera," Vanno went on, not quite steadily. "It was at this spot they first found out that they loved each other, according to the story of my friend."

She did not know that Eglington was already in the house, and had given orders to the butler that she was not to be informed of his arrival for the present. "Well, if you get that far, will you come with me to the Riviera, or to Florence, or Sicily or Cairo?" the other asked, adjusting her gold- brown wig with her babyish hands. Cairo! Cairo! A light shot up into Hylda's eyes.

In May of 1897, having been appointed by President McKinley ambassador to Berlin, I sailed for Europe, and my journeys since that time have consisted mainly of excursions to interesting historical localities in Germany, with several short vacations in the principal towns of northern Italy, upon the Riviera, and in America.

You could come with me to a certain Mairie I know, to-morrow, and we could marry without anybody having a word to say to it; and then, Hester, I'd carry you to Italy! I know a villa on the Riviera the Italian Riviera in a little bay all orange and lemon and blue sea.

To this, however, there are exceptions, and I have seen instances in which residence at Bournemouth and in the Riviera have failed, but where a perfect cure has been wrought by the cold, still air of Davos.

A little rancid oil, shark, or any other half-putrid fish, a few olives, sour wine, and bread, and they are well feasted. Hotel expenses are not higher than on the Riviera; but amongst the best resident classes living is rather expensive, especially in the matter of clothing, nearly every article of which is imported from England.

I got to the pass when it would have been a relief to be asked if "this were my first visit to the Riviera;" because I could hastily have said "Yes," and then broken out with a volley of impressions.

She became subject to reveries in which there were frequent lapses from all mental function. Then, of a sudden, she was filled with a longing for movement. She went abroad alone, and settled herself in a villa on the French Riviera.

It would be Christmas soon, and he thought that he would rather get it over on the Riviera than anywhere else, because the blue and gold weather would not remind him of other Christmases which were gone pure, white, cold Christmases, musical with joy-bells and sweet with aromatic pine, the scent of trees born to be Christmas trees.

"That would be beautiful," said Theodora, "but Josiah is not fit for a long journey. We shall go to the Riviera, most probably, when the weather gets cold." "Have you no message for him then, Theodora, when I see him?" And now there was some sign. Theodora clasped her hands together, and she said in a constrained voice: "Yes.