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It was indeed so. Mrs. Jallow, her daughter and Kittie looked up and saw our friends their rivals. Then the three newcomers started for the boundary line, the two boys remaining at the cabin. "Shall we shall we wait?" asked Betty in a low voice. "We're on my father's land I don't see why we should run," said Grace calmly. "Especially from them!"

Henry III. determined with fear and trembling to disembarrass himself of his two rivals, of the Duke of Guise by assassination, and of the states-general by packing them off home.

They were a troupe of singers and comedians composed entirely of dwarfs; they exhibited much talent in all their performances, which were given for several years and quite recently in all the large cities of the United States. They showed themselves to be worthy rivals for honors in the class of entertainments known as burlesques.

Even so it was a great race between Langley, aided by Charles Manly, and Wilbur and Orville Wright, and only the persistent ill-luck which dogged Langley from the start to the finish of his experiments gave victory to his rivals.

'I blush to confess it, never; but I will call, in future, every day. 'Your ingenuousness really rivals your modesty. 'Now, after these confessions and compliments, may I suggest a waltz? 'No one is waltzing now. 'When the quadrille, then, is finished? 'Then I am engaged. 'After your engagement? 'That is indeed making a business of pleasure.

It had grown to be a bond uniting them; they were not so much rivals as ardent novices serving a single altar, each worshiping there without visible gain over the other. Each had even come to possess, in the eyes of his two fellows, almost a sacredness as a sharer in the celestial glamor; they were tender one with another. They were in the last stages.

The Chevalier, constantly engaged in his own multiplied affairs, had not hitherto sought any explanation with Waverley, though often meaning to do so. But after Fergus's declaration he saw the necessity of appearing neutral between the rivals, devoutly hoping that the matter, which now seemed fraught with the seeds of strife, might be permitted to lie over till the termination of the expedition.

He was cool and daring and was animated by the highest patriotism for his adopted country. Such a man was sure to be heard of again, as Great Britain learned to her cost. France had shown a strong liking for the American colonies from the first. No doubt this liking was influenced by her hatred of England, for the nations had been bitter rivals for years.

I wonder if she is related to Martin Davenport's partner! Jerusalem! What sport if she is!" "Why? Why sport?" Kelson asked. "Dolt! Don't you see! Martin is at our mercy. We are more than his rivals. We can drive him out of London any moment we like. His tricks indeed! Pshaw! Curtis can do them all right off the reel! And Curtis shall we will show Martin up make a laughing stock of him ruin him!

If you knew one of your rivals who had discovered a method of placing you in a position of extreme absurdity before the eyes of those who were dearest to you for instance, while you had your mouth crooked like that of a theatrical mask, or while your eloquent lips, like the copper faucet of a scanty fountain, dripped pure water you would probably stab him. This rival is sleep.