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The window was open, and below it lay the street, still in the darkness; above, the heavens were clear and the stars were shining. Ritter pulled forward an arm-chair and motioned the Musician towards it: "Sit down, Velasco. Will you have a pipe, or cigar? You look exhausted, man! This fasting before is too much for you; you are pale as death.

There, immediately in front, loomed the majestic mass of Mount Ritter, with a glacier swooping down its face nearly to my feet, then curving westward and pouring its frozen flood into a dark blue lake, whose shores were bound with precipices of crystalline snow; while a deep chasm drawn between the divide and the glacier separated the massive picture from everything else.

Ritter holstered the Beretta and got out a cigarette. "I hope you didn't leave your lighter upstairs," he told Rand. Rand produced and snapped it, holding the flame out to his assistant. "Dave," he lectured, "the Perfect Butler always has a lighter in good working order; lighting up the mawster is part of his duties. Remember that, the next time you have a buttling job."

Ritter went, as usual, to visit her friend, but no longer remained closeted with Trine, for she could now go freely into his room, talk with him for a little while, and mark his daily improvement. Otto and Pussy also paid several visits, armed with dainties for their favorite. So that Andrew said to the old Trine, with great feeling, "If I were a king, they could not show me more kindness."

Karl Ritter distinguished himself by providing an excellent German translation of the French original, which was first published in the Illustrirte Zeitung.

I'm willing to step down and give the other fellows a show." "But not a fellow like Reff Ritter, or that Dan Baxter you told me about." "No, I couldn't stand for those chaps." "Reff is as sore as he can be over what happened last term." "I know it." "Dale says he knows something about Reff." "I do," came from Dale Blackmore, who had entered a moment before.

"Then put your head lower," whispered the girl, "and I will tell you. Perhaps, when you know!" "Go on," said the Kapellmeister, "I am here, child, close to you, and no one shall hurt you. Don't tremble." "Do you see my hands?" said the girl, "Look at them. They are stained with blood stained with Ah, you draw away!" "Go on," said Ritter, "You drew away yourself, child. What do you mean?

He was well cared for, of that she was certain, and was on the best road towards health and strength. As soon as Colonel Ritter could go, he took the news of the arrest and imprisonment of Andrew's brother to the good carpenter, who listened to the story quietly, and said, after a while, "It was his will. It would have been far better for him to have asked me for a little money.

"Or about your tramping on foot to Chicago," said Lobkowitz. "Or," said Ritter, "your adventure in Boston, when two policemen, strangely mistaking your condition for a tremendous jag, took you on a drive in the patrol wagon to the lock-up." "It's very good they did," said Franck, smiling and tossing the lock from his forehead. "I should certainly have caught a cold if they hadn't."

Ritter, told me that reading "Leaves of Grass" excited him to composition as no other poetry did. Tennyson left him passive and cold, but Whitman set his fingers in motion at once; he was so fruitful in themes, so suggestive of new harmonies and melodies. He gave the hints, and left his reader to follow them up. This is exactly what Whitman wanted to do.