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All down the Inn River Valley, there is many a picturesque bit of intermingled pine-copse and grassy slopes; but admiring scenery is anything but a riskless undertaking along here, as I quickly discover.

Every step in his career, as I see it, has been towards opportunity the riskless opportunity of greater service and freer movement. I regard him as a man whose full worth will never be known till he is overtaken by a crisis.

He wished to hear no more about denunciations by which, with the aid of police and magistrates, every kind of cowardice and vileness, social envy and religious hatred, rivalry, spite, and inborn malevolence, sought a riskless gratification, and usually found it in full measure. But it took away all pleasure in social intercourse. One learned to be cautious and suspicious.

What should this rate be is sometimes hotly disputed but usually it is the coupon of "riskless" securities, such as treasury bonds. But since few companies distribute dividends theoreticians and analysts are increasingly forced to deal with "expected" dividends rather than "paid out" or actual ones. The best proxy for expected dividends is net earnings.

Killing him would earn the death penalty or life imprisonment death, if done simply for pay. That's a foolish risk, when there are any number of almost riskless targets around." "I can tell you where he's going when he finishes his current mission." "Interesting, if true," Nevan acknowledged. "It's true," the businesser said. Reading his face and body language, Nevan agreed.

The descent of the cliff, though not riskless, was no great feat for an active youth, and Mick accomplished it safely, but to little purpose, he thought at first, since the irreclaimable cow appeared to be the sole denizen of the shrinking beach.

For Hera kindled within those sons of gods the all-persuading sweet desire for the ship Argo, that none should be left behind and stay by his mother's side in savourless and riskless life, but each, even were death the price, achieve in company with his peers a magic potency of his valour.