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But then, my honest tar, you appear to be wrong in overlooking the striking faults in yonder ship, which this, a a this gentleman has just, and so properly, named." "I do not call them faults, your Ladyship. Such is the way my late brave and excellent Commander always had his own ship rigged; and I am bold to say that a better seaman, or a more honest man, never served in his Majesty's fleet."

And really, when at length he was completely rigged in tunic and trousers, with the cocked hat on his head, the belt about his waist, and the drawn bayonet in his hand, his appearance, although just a trifle incongruous to my critical eye, was well calculated to produce a profound impression upon his unsophisticated subjects, as was evidenced by the note of admiration which rang unmistakably in the ecstatic shout of "Bayete!" with which his guards greeted him upon his reappearance.

She had something of the look of the barca-longas of half a century ago that is, half a century ago from the date of my adventure; but that which, in sober truth, a man would have taken her to be was a vessel formed of snow, sparred and rigged with glass-like frosted ice, the artistic caprice of the genius or spirit of this white and melancholy scene, who, to complete the mocking illusion, had fashioned the figure of a man to stand on deck with a human face toughened into an idle eternal contemplation.

Well, we were rigged up for discovering the north pole, and had alpenstocks to push ourselves up with, and the guides had ropes to pull us up when we got to places where we couldn't climb. I could get along all right, but they had dad on a rope most of the time pulling him until his tongue run out and his face turned blue. But dad was game, and don't you forget it.

Gibbs, I would not do that, for his mind is rigged on a hair-spring balance anyway; it wouldn't do to upset him." "And what are we goin' to do with the feller?" said the captain. "Now that I know what this Pole is, I wish I had let him go down to the other pole and stay there."

For this reason these towns are so liable to fires, as have already happened several times; and the wonder to me is, that the whole city has not been burnt down, so light and dry are the materials. There is a large dock in front of it constructed of wooden piers, where the large ships go to be careened and rigged; the smaller vessels all come up to the city.

Well, your luck hasn't been every man's luck for my part, I think this here hat was made for some fellow's great toe: I've rigged it on my head both fore and aft, and athwart-ships; but curse the inch can I drive it down I say, Sam! you'll give us a shirt off that table- cloth?"

"She can't last much longer now without the flames bursting forth," said Captain Billings. "The sooner we see about leaving her the better now. Haul up the boats alongside, and prepare to lower down our sick men." "Hadn't we better have a whip rigged from the yard-arm, sir?" suggested Jorrocks. "It'll get 'em down more comfortable and easy like."

The remaining anchor cables were used to lash the two ships together so that they would not move; although there was little fear of that, seeing the weight of water that was in them. Everything that could be saved was brought up on deck, and a kind of cabin or platform which could be fortified was rigged on the highest part of the ships.

On reaching the jetty Athos and Aramis stopped to look at a little boat made fast to a pile and ready rigged as if waiting to start. "That is doubtless our boat," said Athos. "Yes," replied Aramis, "and the sloop out there making ready to sail must be that which is to take us to our destination; now," continued he, "if only De Winter does not keep us waiting.