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'Wan day, bein' mortial idle, or they wud never ha' thried ut, the rig'mint gave amshure theatricals orf'cers an' orf'cers' ladies. You've seen the likes time an' agin, Sorr, an' poor fun 'tis for them that sit in the back row an' stamp wid their boots for the honour av the rig'mint. I was told off for to shif' the scenes, haulin' up this an' draggin' down that.

I'd be proud to serve " "Terence, you're a civilian," said Dinah Shadd warningly. "So I am so I am. Is ut likely I wud forget ut? But he was a gran' bhoy all the same, an' I'm only a mudtipper wid a hod on me shoulthers. The whiskey's in the heel av your hand, Sorr. Wid your good lave we'll dhrink to the Ould Rig'mint three fingers standin' up!" And we drank.

While she packed, I stud outside an' sweated, for I was wanted for to shif the second scene. I tell you, a young gurl's e-vasion manes as much baggage as a rig'mint on the line av march! "Saints help Dennis's springs," thinks I, as I bundled the stuff into the thrap, "for I'll have no mercy!" "I'm comin' too," says the ayah. "No, you don't," sez I, "later pechy! You baito where you are.

'But Vulmea goes on: "O'Hara will dhrop, an' by the time the light's lit again, there'll be some six av us on the chest av Mulvaney, cryin' murdher an' rape. Mulvaney's cot is near the ind door, an' the shmokin' rifle will be lyin' undher him whin we've knocked him over. We know, an' all the rig'mint knows, that Mulvaney has given O'Hara more lip than any man av us.

"A Staff Orf'cer man, clean as a new rifle, rides up an' sez: 'What damned scarecrows are you? "'A comp'ny av Her Majesty's Black Tyrone an' wan av the Ould Rig'mint, sez Crook very quiet, givin' our visitors the flure as 'twas. "'Oh! sez the Staff Orf'cer; 'did you dislodge that Reserve? "'No! sez Crook, an' the Tyrone laughed. "'Thin fwhat the divil have ye done?

"An' the orf'cers av the rig'mint I was in in thim days was orfcers gran' men, wid a manner on 'em, an' a way wid 'em such as is not made these days all but wan wan o' the capt'ns. A bad dhrill, a wake voice, an' a limp leg thim three things are the signs av a bad man. You bear that in your mind, Orth'ris, me son.

"I was throllied up six miles, all to get a shquint at that draf'. I knew 'twas a spring draf' goin' home, for there's no rig'mint hereabouts, more's the pity." "Praise the Virgin!" murmured Dinah Shadd. But Mulvaney did not hear.

I'd be proud to serve" "Terrence, you're a civilian," said Dinah Shadd, warningly. "So I am so I am. Is ut likely I wud forget ut? But he was a gran' bhoy all the same, an' I'm only a mudtipper wid a hod on my shoulthers. The whiskey's in the heel av your hand, sorr. Wid your good lave we'll dhrink to the Ould Rig'mint three fingers standin' up!" And we drank.

'An' the orf'cers av the rig'mint I was in in thim days was orf'cers gran' men, wid a manner on 'em, an' a way wid 'em such as is not made these days all but wan wan o' the capt'ns. A bad dhrill, a wake voice, an' a limp leg thim three things are the signs av a bad man. You bear that in your mind, Orth'ris, me son.

I cut a man's head tu deep wid my belt in the days av my youth, an', afther some circumstances which I will oblitherate, I came to the Ould Rig'mint, bearin' the character av a man wid hands an' feet. But, as I was goin' to tell you, I fell acrost the Black Tyrone agin wan day whin we wanted thim powerful bad.