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Swithun's, would pass to the west door, where it would be joined by the heads of the other monasteries in and near Winchester Thomas de Pechy, Abbot of Hyde, holding highest rank amongst them.

I'll pechy come an' bring you sart, along with me, you maraudin'"-niver mind fwhat I called her. 'Thin I wint for the Gaff, an' by the special ordher av Providence, for I was doin' a good work you will ondersthand, Dennis's springs hild toight. "Now, whin the Capt'n goes for that kit," thinks I, "he'll be throubled."

While she packed, I stud outside an' sweated, for I was wanted for to shif' the second scene. I tell you, a young gurl's e-vasion manes as much baggage as a rig'mint on the line av march! 'Saints help Dennis's springs, thinks I, as I bundled the stuff into the thrap, 'for I'll have no mercy! "'I'm comin' too, says the ayah. "'No, you don't, sez I, 'later pechy! You baito where you are.

"Who told you to call her a princess?" demanded Count Vavel, his face darkening. "I will come to that all in good time," composedly replied Matyas, who was not to be hurried. "Colonel Pechy," he went on, "bravely defended the fortress for ten days against the Frenchmen; but he had to yield at last " "Where are Katharina and Marie?" impatiently interrupted Vavel.

I'll pechy come an' bring you sart, along with me, you maraudin'' niver mind fwhat I called her. "Thin I wint for the Gaff, an' by the special ordher av Providence, for I was doin' a good work you will ondersthand, Dennis's springs hild toight.

While she packed, I stud outside an' sweated, for I was wanted for to shif the second scene. I tell you, a young gurl's e-vasion manes as much baggage as a rig'mint on the line av march! "Saints help Dennis's springs," thinks I, as I bundled the stuff into the thrap, "for I'll have no mercy!" "I'm comin' too," says the ayah. "No, you don't," sez I, "later pechy! You baito where you are.