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"Where congregations ne'er break up, And sermons never end!" And now, lo and behold, here I am in their heathenish Gehenna, where the Sabbath-day is just clean neglected; indeed, I have lost count myself, and do not know one day from the other. Oh, man, it's just rideec'lous. A body I mean a soul does not know where to turn."

The Deacon there couldna let blatter wi' a hearty oath to save his withered sowl. I kenned a trifle o' a fellow that got in among a jovial gang lang syne that used to sweer tremendous, and he bude to do the same the bit bodie; so he used to say 'Dim it! in a wee, sma voice that was clean rideec'lous. He was a lauchable dirt, that." "What was his name?" said Sandy Toddle.

Though I could not but agree with Peter that his situation was "just rideec'lous," I consoled him as well as I might, saying that a man should make the best of every position, and that "where there was life there was hope," a sentiment of which I instantly perceived the futility in this particular instance. "Ye do not know the worst," the Rev. Mr. McSnadden went on.

"Needs must where the devil drives," he muttered. Droop shook his head dismally. "Marry, come up!" he exclaimed. "I guess I can't make the bargain, friend Bacon." "But why?" "I don't like the cut o' them clothes. I'd look rideec'lous in 'em. Besides, the's too much risk in it, Bacon, my boy," he said, familiarly, throwing himself into the arm-chair and stretching out his legs comfortably.