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Since Banner is slightly built, there is scarcely a possibility that he did such work before the normal time. Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Shepherd Rhone 10th and Kentucky Pine Bluff, Ark. Age: 75 "Yes ma'am, I was bred and born in 'sixty-three in Phillips County, Arkansas, close to Helena, on old Judge Jones' plantation. Judge Jones, he was a lawyer. Remember him?

All that now remains of Crussol is a single broken tower, to which some minor ruins cling; and a little lower are the ruins of the town whence the encircling ramparts have been outcast and lie in scattered fragments down the mountain-side to the border of the Rhône.

His name was destined, however, to be linked with a great disaster as well as a thievish trick. The Cimbri, who had hitherto petitioned the Romans for lands to settle on, were now meditating a raid into Italy. On the left bank of the Rhone, in 105, they overthrew M. Aurelius Scaurus, whom they took prisoner and put to death.

"I am sure he must be a gentleman, by his taste and delicacy," said Mademoiselle. We had not time to see much of the town, nor did it appear much to deserve it. It is certainly very prettily situated on the Gere and the Rhone, and is surrounded by hills, which give it pleasantness and effect.

Moreover the continental communication between Spain and Italy as well as between Italy and Macedonia was very superficially provided for, and the countries beyond the Pyrenees, the Alps, and the Balkan chain the great river basins of the Rhone, the Rhine, and the Danube in the main lay beyond the political horizon of the Romans.

With what velocity, continued I, clapping my two hands together, shall I fly down the rapid Rhone, with the Vivares on my right hand, and Dauphiny on my left, scarce seeing the ancient cities of Vienne, Valence, and Vivieres.

Day and Edgeworth went to France, and the latter spent nearly two years at Lyons, where his wife joined him. Here he found interest and occupation in some engineering works by which the course of the Rhone was to be diverted and some land gained to enlarge the city, which lies hemmed in between the Rhone and the Saone.

So skilful were these preparations that, in the early days of May, the greater part of his men and stores were near the lake of Geneva, whence they were easily transferred to the upper valley of the Rhone.

That of the Rhone, for example, did not again reach the Jura, though it filled the Lake of Geneva and formed enormous moraines on its borders and in many parts of the valley between the Alps and Jura. Fourth.

Maximin lived in the town that bears his name, Lazarus became the first Bishop of Marseilles, and Saint Martha ascended the Rhone as far as Avignon and built near the site of the present Cathedral an oratory in honour of the Virgin "then living on the earth."