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Au revoir, Monsieur de Fontanges. Charlotte, va chercher des habits." 'Tis pleasing to be schooled in a strange tongue By female lips and eyes; that is, I mean When both the teacher and the taught are young, As was the case, at least, where I had been. They smile so when one's right, and when one's wrong They smile still more.

She went back into the room we had left and returned in a few moments with the latch-key, which she gave me. Despite my endeavours to persuade her, she went with me to the front door, and I felt a deep pity for her when I left, thinking that she was to spend the night alone in that dismal old house. "Au revoir until five to-morrow," I said cheerfully, as I bowed and left her.

But I am not going to tell you any more about it until I find out if you can get it, what the price is, and just what sleeping accommodations it has. I have my limousine at the door and shall go immediately to the Rue Brea, and to-night when you come to us for dinner I can tell you more. Au revoir, then, my long lost cousin," and she kissed Mrs. Brown on both cheeks.

At this Pierre rose, offended on his part, and taking rather a high tone he said: "You are unjust, pere Marowsko; a man must have very strong motives to act as I have done and you ought to understand that. Au revoir I hope I may find you more reasonable." And he went away. "Well, well," he thought, "not a soul will feel a sincere regret for me."

I would see thy choice, Kate. I can almost guess it now. So come, Kate, the storm without should insure good cheer within; and with thy bright face the castle will be aglow. Come, say au revoir, Kate." She held out her hand and faltered forth au revoir. There was the language of the convent in that one word and it rung sweet upon her ear.

Indeed, the blue eyes were beginning to swim, when they were dried by a flash of indignation at the parting words of Du Meresq. He merely raised his hat, without attempting to shake hands, and said, in a jesting tone, "Au revoir, Miss Bluebell. I hope you will be a comfort to your mamma." As the jingle of the bells died away in the distance, Cecil felt a load removed from her heart.

"Ah, that is good! I hope all German women will lose their sons, as I have lost mine." "Where was that, Madame?" "Over there." She pointed up the Somme. "He was a good son. A fine boy. It seems only yesterday he lay at my breast. My man weeps for him. They were good comrades." "It is sad, Madame." "Ah, but yes. It is sad! Au revoir, Monsieur." "Au revoir, Madame."

'If I care to run risk. Veree considerate of you, I'm sure. But as we say in Bengal, 'thee favour of kings iss ass a sword of two edges. Noah, thanks; the servants of thee Bell do not linger by wayside, soa to speak. Besides, I am in great hurree. Mister Amber, good night. Rutton Sahib" with a flash of his sinister humour "au revoir; I mean to say, till we meet in thee Hall of thee Bell.

And then, looking at him, she averted her eyes, for they showed her that, if that were so, Dupré was indeed a craven. "Au revoir," she whispered; "au revoir till to-morrow morning." When half-way through the door, leading on to the lonely stretch of down, she turned round suddenly. "I do not want you to bring any ices for me to-morrow." "I never thought of doing so," he said simply.

Au revoir, madam!" and bowing with the utmost urbanity to the genial Becky, he strode into the street. It was easy to see, as Mr. Ricketty wandered aimlessly down the Bowery, that his humor was entirely amiable. The knobs of ruddy flesh under his twinkling black eyes were encircled by a set of merry wrinkles, and his mustache had expanded far across his face.