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Don't believe it. <i Du reste>, it has still to be proved that this friend of yours has merit. No one claims it for him but Monsieur Stroeve." "And how, then, will you recognise merit?" asked Dirk, red in the face with anger. "There is only one way by success." "Philistine," cried Dirk.

'Dans la Vestale j'ai compose un sujet romain, dans Ferdinand Cortez un sujet espagnol-mexicain, dans Olympic un sujet greco-macedonien, enfin dans Agnes de Hohenstaufen un sujet allemand: tout le reste ne vaut rien! He hoped that I was not thinking of the so-called romantic style a la Freischutz?

I forgive you for betraying of me; but neither you, nor I, nor I hope God himself, will forgive him that deceived you, and caused you to do it. I am very hopeful in my dear wife's constancey, if they do not put her to death. Now I ad no more, but leaves myself to your discretion; and reste, Sir, your faithful friend and servant,

The heart may survive the decay or rupture of an innocent and lawful affection "la marque reste, mais la blessure guerit" but the love of darkness and guilt is branded in a character ineffaceable eternal!

They are not literature but express what was in the mind of the famous scientist: "Elle a cinq instruments dont je suis amoureux, Les deux premiers, ses mains, les deux autres, ses yeux; Pour le dernier de tous, et cinquième qui reste, Il faut être galant et leste." In the year 1696, when Ninon had reached eighty, she had several attacks of illness which worried her friends exceedingly.

Il me reste maintenant

She would often repeat those pretty lines of the good La, Fontaine: 'Soyez-vous l'un a l'autre un monde toujours beau, Toujours divers, toujours nouveau; Tenez-vous lieu de tout; comptez pour rien le reste. And we did not fail to put the advice into practice, for never did a minute of ennui or of weariness, never did the slightest trouble, disturb our bliss.

In a short time, the French General Reille brought to the King the following autograph letter: MONSIEUR MON FRÈRE N'ayant pu mourir au milieu de mes troupes, il ne me reste qu'

We may recall what Tacitus says of the Germans: Mutterrecht und Raubehe und ihre Reste im Germanischen Recht und Leben, Vol. XVI, quoted by Starcke, The Primitive Family, pp. 103 et seq.

"Pardon, charmante Ulrique; pardon, belle Amelie; J'ai cru n'aimer que vous la reste de ma vie, Et ne servir que sous vos lois; Mais enfin j'entends et je vois Cette adorable Soeur dont l'Amour suit les traces: Ah, ce n'est pas outrager les Trois Graces Que de les aimer toutes trois!" "A grain of truth is often mingled with the stupidest delusion.