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Fancy if you can our feelings when we heard that yet another man out of five was respited ah, he was an American, gentlemen an American, not an Irishman but that the three Irishmen, Allen, Larkin, and O'Brien, were to die were to be put to death on a verdict and on evidence that would not hang a dog in England!

After several respites, the government, convinced that, though he had told much, he could tell more, fixed a day for his execution, and ordered the sheriffs to have the machinery of death in readiness. But he was again respited, and, after a delay of some weeks, obtained a pardon, which, however, extended only to his life, and left his property subject to all the consequences of his attainder.

"Tell me," replied Clement VIII, "did they give their unhappy father time to be heard in his own defence, when they slew him in so merciless and degrading a fashion?" At length, overcome by so many entreaties, he respited them for three days.

The Mithridatic war being then under debate, Marcus declared that it was not finished, but only respited for a time, and therefore, upon choice of provinces, the lot falling to Lucullus to have Gaul within the Alps, a province where no great action was to be done, he was ill-pleased.

The people, incensed at their cruelty toward Codadad, impatiently expected to see them executed. The scaffolds were erecting, but the execution was respited, because, on a sudden, intelligence was brought that the neighbouring princes who had before made war on the sultan of Harran, were advancing with more numerous forces than on the first invasion, and were then not far from the city.

Like an impatient reader of a novel, who reads the last page first, she read with dizzy eyes the list of the executions. Two were respited, seven were hanged; and in that capital catalogue was this line: "Lewis Pyneweck forgery." She had to read it a half-a-dozen times over before she was sure she understood it. Here was the paragraph: Sentence, Death 7.

'Just as it did now to you, says she, dreadful and frightful'; that she thought she was in hell; 'and I believe so still, adds she, 'but it is natural to me now, I don't disturb myself about it. 'I suppose, says I, 'you are in no danger of what is to follow? 'Nay, says she, 'for you are mistaken there, I assure you, for I am under sentence, only I pleaded my belly, but I am no more with child than the judge that tried me, and I expect to be called down next sessions. This 'calling down' is calling down to their former judgment, when a woman has been respited for her belly, but proves not to be with child, or if she has been with child, and has been brought to bed.

The Marshal having read the warrant for their execution, and stated that de Soto was respited sixty and Ruiz thirty days, the ropes were adjusted round the necks of the prisoners, and a slight hectic flush spread over the countenance of each; but not an eye quailed, nor a limb trembled, not a muscle quivered.

After he had received sentence, the lords, his judges, by virtue of a power vested in them, respited his execution for one month, that he might have time to settle his temporal and spiritual concerns.

The Immortals had shown him peculiar favor, but still he was but a man; that he realized from the pain in his wound, and the treason to which he had been a victim. He felt as if he had been respited on the very scaffold. Yes; he was a man like all other men, and so he would still be.