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And as in respiration the flowing breath is continually breathed out and drawn in, so there the wind, oscillating with the liquid, causes certain vehement and irresistible winds both as it enters and goes out. When, therefore, the water rushing in descends to the place which we call the lower region, it flows through the earth into the streams there and fills them, just as men pump up water.

Worthington gave vent to her usualWell I’ll be switched,” which she was capable of making expressive of every shade of astonishment, from the lightest to the most pronounced; at the same time unfastening the bridle of her bonnet which plainly hindered her free respiration after such a shock. “Say that Fanny isn’t sly, after that, Belle.” “Sly? My God, she’s a fool!

That the sixth part only of what the worms consume tends to their nourishment, the remainder goes in respiration and dejection; and that, with the data now obtained, it is possible to calculate the maximum weight of cocoons from a given weight of leaves it being from 60 to 70 in 1000.

There are several well-established methods of artificial respiration. The two known as the Sylvester and the Marshall Hall methods are generally accepted as efficient and practical. The Sylvester Method. The Sylvester Method.

It may be added that exactly the same tendency to superficial and arrested respiration takes place whenever there is any intense mental concentration, as in severe intellectual work. The arrest of respiration tends to render the blood venous, and thus aids in stimulating the vasomotor centers, raising the blood-pressure in the body generally, and especially in the erectile tissues.

From this coign of vantage they are in position to produce serious disturbances of two of our most important functions, respiration and digestion, and three out of the five senses, smell, taste, and hearing. We will begin with their most frequent and most serious injurious effect, though not the earliest, the impairment of the child's power of attention and intelligence.

It is well that the Sol is not far off, for Mr. Weevle presents an apoplectic appearance before half the distance is accomplished. With no worse aggravation of his symptoms, however, than the utterance of divers croaking sounds expressive of obstructed respiration, he fulils his share of the porterage and the benevolent old gentleman is deposited by his own desire in the parlour of the Sol's Arms.

There is a Trinity in the body the heart and blood-vessels; the organs of respiration; the nerves, the instruments of sensation; these three departments are the three moving principles of nature continually acting for the support of life.

We have fought for it, and the Lord of Hosts has been with us; and can we stand before Him with our foot upon our brother's neck?" A generous, upright nature is always more sensitive to blame than another, sensitive in proportion to the amount of its reverence for good, and Mr. Marvyn's face flushed, his eye kindled, and his compressed respiration showed how deeply the subject moved him. Mrs.

So in regard to tight lacing, no one can doubt its ill effects, since even a man's loose garments are known to diminish by one-fourth his capacity for respiration. Those, again, were to those of a still earlier epoch as leather to chain-armor.