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He couldn't resist an affable nod to Bab and Betty, for they stood under the maple-tree, and the memory of their circulating library made him forget his dignity in his gratitude. "We will take them next time, but now I want to talk to you," began Miss Celia, as Lita climbed the hill. "My brother has been ill, and I have brought him here to get well.

The father's heart was sorely wounded, but he could not think that Elfric would resist his commands, and he promised to take him back at once to Aescendune, where he hoped all would soon be well "soon, very soon," he said falteringly. So the old thane went to his lodgings, hard by the palace, where he awaited his son.

By this time the dragons, who had been weakened by a slothful life and the flesh of many prisoners, were too weak to resist any longer, and fell an easy prey to the strong arm of Bevis.

It requires the keenest kind of an eye to keep track of the ball and tell when it is over the plate and at the proper height. So, too, the nerves must be kept in good condition or the player will be unable to resist the temptation to hit at wide balls. A nervous batter is easily "worked," because he is so anxious to hit that he can't wait for a good ball.

But since you are eager for deeds of war, we shall array ourselves against you with the help of God, who will, we know, support us in the danger, being moved by the peaceful inclination of the Romans, but rebuking the boastfulness of the Persians and your decision to resist us when we invite you to peace.

This set of steps is seldom used, for the real entrance to the home is at the side of the house reached through a gateway in the fence. The houses in Archangel are usually of two stories, with double windows packed with cotton or flax to resist the cold.

They also resist very well the privations to which they are sometimes subjected by their own improvidence.

If you will only delegate your authority to another person whom I know of, that person may be trusted never to lose sight of your niece, night or day!" "You are wasting your time and mine," returned Obenreizer. "If my niece is not rendered up to my authority within one week from this day, I invoke the law. If you resist the law, I take her by force." He rose to his feet as he said the last word.

John refused all explanation at the time, but the next morning at daybreak he called to arms all the French of the neighborhood a feudal militia well inured to warfare and breaking silence urged them to resist, and perhaps to avenge, the fate of their comrades.

The young second officer hesitated to break the established rule of every ship's discipline; but at last could not resist the temptation of getting hold of some other human being, and spoke to the man at the wheel. "Did you hear what this gentleman was saying to me?" "No, sir," answered the sailor quietly.