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It was charged and with some show of truth that a small group of men clustering around Charleston exercised an entirely disproportionate share of influence in party management. The farmers, with a growing class consciousness, began to resent this injustice and found a leader ready and anxious to direct them.

She stood under the lamp and the newspaper rattled as she held it now grasped tightly. "Eva," said her mother, in gentle reproof, "don't say that." "But I want her to say it if she thinks it," the banker spoke up, almost angrily. "I want her to say it and prove it." "He proved it to me, but I may not be able to prove it to you. Mr. Lyman called him a coward and he did not resent it." "Lyman did?

He treated his cousin and Don Hernan with a mock courtesy which was excessively annoying, the more especially as it was utterly impossible to resent it. The hour of her departure arrived. Hilda had made every preparation for it in her power; still the utter want of propriety in the step she was taking pressed heavily on her spirits.

The Indian consented to lead the way as far as he had ever before been; but he confessed that he had never penetrated to the end. Indeed, he believed that no human being had ever done so; and he hinted that we should be wise not to make the attempt, as the place was full of the spirits of people who had departed this life, and who might resent our intrusion.

I am not the guardian of Rosa, and she may resent being tracked across Paris by a young man with no claim to watch her actions." Nevertheless, in an expedition of this nature one must accept risks, and therefore I knocked gently. There was no reply to the summons, and I was cogitating upon my next move when, happening to press against the door with my hand, I discovered that it was not latched.

I was alone in the director's room, going over some papers, and he entered and shook hands with me. The old fellow professed delight at my presence there. "George tells me you're takin' hold fust-rate," he said. "That's good. I'm glad to hear it." "Why?" I asked. There was a trace of his old pomposity in the speech or I imagined there was and I chose to resent it.

It was the sergeant who had spoken to me, and he was now looking round at the company, with his handcuffs invitingly extended towards them in his right hand, and his left on my shoulder. "And pray what might you want with him?" retorted my sister, quick to resent his being wanted at all.

Yet for the first time in her life she did not resent it; and Marcella watched her mother's attitude with a mixture of curiosity and relief. Then followed talk of an early wedding, communications from Lord Maxwell to Mr.

"Really," she observed, "every remark this girl Lin utters is sharper than a razor! I didn't say anything much!" Pao Ch'ai too could not suppress a smile, and as she pinched Tai-yue's cheek, she exclaimed, "Oh the tongue of this frowning girl! one can neither resent what it says, nor yet listen to it with any gratification!" "Don't be afraid!" Mrs.

He is your friend, he has been closer to you than a brother! He has no one to defend his name! You know that he would kill any man who attempted to slander you behind your back!" Freddy did not resent her attack. She had done just what he would have done to any man who had reported any slander against her fair name. "I know it's awfully hard for you to believe it."