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And when, our wedding day drawing near apace, I sent her my budget letter, bitterly revealing impecunious facts at which I had before but darkly hinted, and warning her of all the sacrifice which lay beyond, she replied with vehement repudiation of any fears, and in that hour made me rich.

Chamberlain again in a manner indicating his complete abandonment of the position taken up by him in relation to Johannesburg in fact, his repudiation of what his own words have recorded against him: 16th January. No. i. Your telegram of 15th January, No. 1, received.

Some of the States had escaped almost entirely any considerable increase of debt; others were burdened far beyond their ability to pay, especially as property valuations had declined nearly one-half. The wholesale repudiation of their debts injured the credit of all the Southern States, and they have been loudly denounced for their action.

J. Schouler's History of the United Slates, vol. IV; G. S. Callender's Selections from the Economic History of the United States ; G. S. Callender's Early Transportation and Banking Enterprises, in Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 17; W. A. Scott's Repudiation of State Debts , and the biographies and other works cited at the close of the last chapter will give the reader material for further study.

No civilization can survive repudiation. We can reduce the abnormal expenditures, and we will. We can strike at war taxation, and we must. We must face the grim necessity, with full knowledge that the task is to be solved, and we must proceed with a full realization that no statute enacted by man can repeal the inexorable laws of nature.

Released and restored to power by Mary, he repented what he conceived to have been his initial error, the repudiation of Roman authority, and was not averse to exacting the full penalty from those who had dealt hardly with him; was zealous to restore the power of the Church and to stamp out heresy.

It was during the year that followed their social repudiation, and the next and the next, that Cowperwood achieved a keen realization of what it would mean to spend the rest of his days in social isolation, or at least confined in his sources of entertainment to a circle or element which constantly reminded him of the fact that he was not identified with the best, or, at least, not the most significant, however dull that might be.

Either our Lord was a phantom a heresy of potent working in the minds of many who would be fierce in its repudiation or he was a very man, uttering the heart of his life that it might become the life of his brethren; and if so, an honest man can never ultimately fail of getting at what he means.

Not content with this harsh and unjustifiable repudiation of the so-called menacing and heretical doctrines of the adherents of the Bahá’í Faith, they proceed in a formal manner to declare in the text of that very decision their belief, that the Bahá’í Faith is a “new religion,” “entirely independentand, by reason of the magnitude of its claim and the character of itslaws, principles and beliefs,” worthy to be reckoned as one of the established religious systems of the world.

Periods of unconsciousness, when he lay as one dead; periods of incessant utterance now violent in unavailing repudiation, now harsh with unavailing remorse alternated. And, at this juncture, much of Lady Calmady's former very valiant pride asserted itself.