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He had threatened to throw himself into the Seine; she remembered that quite well and also the fact that he did nothing of the sort, but had a very jolly time at Maxim's and sent her flowers by way of repentance. Knowing Freddie so well, it would not have surprised her in the least to find that he had become engaged to Katherine. His heart was a very flexible organ.

"Father, must it be so? Is not even the convent open to me? Nay, look not so coldly on me. If you could but read my heart! And oh! I feel so assured of your own repentance hereafter, so assured that this man is not what you believe him. I so suspect that he has been playing throughout some secret and perfidious part."

It was no small joy to him thus to be enabled to go to church. Whenever he was carried by the Grayhound, he was much moved, and used to put up a prayer full of repentance for the past, and praise for the present.

I believe that from the teachers and from the children, though many are now gone to their rest, might have been, and might still be, selected some of the most pure, simple, affectionate specimens of Christianity the world ever saw." Growing out of the ragged school is an institution of most interesting character, called "a place for repentance."

Things looks different ashore from what they do aflo't, with your own ship under you and hustlin' to make money." He gazed round the room again, and seemed to luxuriate in his repentance. "But if anything should be said, you could hunt up those men and " "Hunt what?" the Cap'n blurted. "Hunt tarheels once they've took their dunnage-bags over the rail? Hunt whiskers on a flea!

"The Father himself loveth you because ye have loved me;" but "There is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth than over ninety and nine that need no repentance." The great joy is the first rush of love in the new-opened channel for its issue and entrance. The Frankses were on the down-going side of the hill Difficulty, and down they must go, unable to help themselves.

But, still, no trait of original nobility of character, no struggle against temptation, no iron necessity of will, on the one hand, nor extenuating circumstance to be derived from passion and despair, on the other, no remorse that might coexist with error, even if powerless to prevent it, no proud repentance that should claim retribution as a meed, would go unappreciated.

But 'the white horses' were now upon them, their streaming manes enveloping the gunwale, and Maxwell gave himself up for lost. The lugger shivered, then grated violently. 'What's yon? he cried in terror. 'Yon's the first stone o' Repentance Tower, cried Sandie triumphantly, as he drave the lugger high upon the beach.

But they said nothing to that effect. "Repentance must be a very poisonous worm," said General Rothenberg, looking steadily upon the face of Barbarina; "it has changed the blooming rose of yesterday into a fair, white blossom." "That is perhaps fortunate," said Algarotti.

But he did learn to love the boy; and therein appeared the divine vengeance ah! how different from human vengeance! that the outbreak of unrighteous wrath reacted on the wrong-doer in shame, repentance, and love. At length the boat was calked, tarred, and painted. One evening as Annie entered the workshop, she heard Curly cry, "Here she is, Alec!" and Alec answer, "Let her come. I'm just done."