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Those borrowing countries who will be entitled to Reparation payments should be required to pledge all such receipts to repayment of the new loan. And all the borrowing countries should be required to place their customs duties on a gold basis and to pledge such receipts to its service.

A few months afterwards he was discharged by writ from repayment of the loss to the Crown. This pension, of which several subsequent notices occur, seems at times to have been paid tardily or in small instalments, and also to have been frequently anticipated by Chaucer in the shape of loans of small sums.

"It will only be the repayment of a debt I owe you." "It is the vocation of financiers to anticipate the wants of men such as yourself, D'Herblay." "If obligingness is the vocation of financiers, charity is the virtue of the clergy. Only, on this occasion, do you act, monsieur. You are not yet sufficiently reduced, and at the last moment we will see what is to be done."

Here again we have a class who prey upon the poverty of the people, inducing them to purchase things for which they have often no immediate use anyway for which there is no real necessity by all manner of specious promises as to easy terms of repayment.

To this cause he gave up everything; personal risks cannot be counted; but he threw away all prospects in England; he made no bargains; he sacrificed freely to the necessities of the struggle any pecuniary resource that he could command, neither requiring nor receiving any repayment.

If Petrarch still knows and feels the consummate beauty of these earthly things, it may seem to him some repayment for the sorrows of a life-time that one reader, after all this lapse of years, should choose his sonnets to match this grass, these blossoms, and the soft lapse of these blue waves. Yet any longer or more continuous poem would be out of place to-day.

Then rousing himself up and turning to Don Sanchez, he says: "The Lord help her, Señor, if we find no good friend to lend us a few shillings for our present wants." "Good friends are few," says the Don, "and they who lend need some better security for repayment than chance.

Slater that caused me such torture of mind. The one thing that slightly relieved this feeling was the knowledge that neither she nor Mr. Pell wanted the money. If the income could be kept up, and this I hoped to accomplish, I could take my own time for repayment of the principal. My mail was crowded for days with letters of sympathy.

"I thank you, young Master Squire Archer, I thank you," answered the citizen of Liege "but who was it told you that I desired any repayment at your hand for doing the duty of an honest man? I only regretted that it might cost me so and so, and I hope I may have leave to say so much to my lieutenant, without either grudging my loss or my peril."

He explained that, while he was in the Tower, the Court of France had sent him 'unlimited credit' as a Highland chief. From Sir James Graeme, Glengarry learned that the Duke of York had procured for him this assistance. But now the French War Office demanded repayment of the advance, and detained four years of his pay in the French service.