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"Listen, my children," said Agnese, her mother; "if you were married, that would be the great difficulty out of the way." "Is there any doubt," said Renzo; "if we were married At Bergamo, not far from here, a silk-weaver would be received with open arms. You know my cousin Bartolo has wanted me to go there and make my fortune, as he has done.

"I know an inn that will suit you," said one who had listened to all the speeches without himself saying a word. "The landlord is a friend of mine, a very worthy man." So saying, he took Renzo off to an inn at some little distance, taking pains to ascertain who he was and whence he came.

Touched by these benign influences, Captain Dick presently broke forth in melody. His song was various, but chiefly, I think, confined to the recital of the exploits of one "Lorenzo," who, as related by himself, "Shipped on board of a Liner, 'Renzo, boys, Renzo," a fact that seemed to have deprived him at once of all metre, grammar, or even the power of coherent narration.

But my words did not mean just that. I should have said, help it help being in difficulties. 'I believe people can get out of difficulties, said Rollo. 'What was the matter with these? 'O the difficulties were piled on their heads by other people. Lucia was a peasant, but she was "si bella" that one of the grandees wanted to get her away from Renzo. 'I don't see the difficulties yet.