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"It sure must go hard with a man to have his son turn out a wild one," commented the third. Drew’s cup was at his lips, but he did not drink. Whose son? Rennie’s? "No son by blood, that much comfort Don Cazar has. But foster ties are also strong. And the boy is still very young—" "A rattler with only one button on the tail carries as much poison as a ten-button one.

Drew’s work on the Range settled, Rennie was about to get to what he really wanted. But Don Cazar’s first words were a little startling. "We’ll keep him close-in the water corral. To turn a stud of eastern breeding loose is dangerous——" "You mean he might be stolen, suh?" Drew clicked his empty glass down on the table. "No, he might be killed!" And Rennie’s tone indicated he meant just that.

"Suh—" Drew found it difficult to face Rennie. As his anxiety over the horse’s condition had faded, he had had time to think of something beyond his own affairs. "I want to say thanks." He got that out in a rush before he added the admission he must make: "I spoiled your plan to take Kitchell." Rennie’s dark eyes held his as they had always been able to do.

There was only one thinghe was still alive, and as long as a man lived he had hope. Nye and Greyfeather had trailed this bunch from the water hole. Perhaps the wind and sand storms had muddled the tracks, but Drew still had faith in the Pima. And Rennie’s party had followed with the knowledge of the Mexican’s bolt hole to the south.

Back-in-Kentucky proof would not help him here and now in Arizona. "Kentucky?" Rennie’s withdrawal appeared to increase by a score of miles. "I understood you were from Texas." "Told you, Rennie," the lieutenant said, "his story doesn’t hold together at all. A couple of really good questions and it falls right apart." "I came here from Texas." Drew took stiff hold of himself.

Rennie ought to cut losses and give that kid the boot. The way he’s going he could involve Hunt in a real mess," Cahill said. "You are Don Cazar’s good friend, Don Reese, his compadre of many years. Can you not do something?" "Don Lorenzo, all men have blind spots. And Johnny Shannon is Rennie’s. Bob Shannon helped free Hunt out of Mex prison in the war and was killed doing it.